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Feeling like poo.


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Well, Spring has srung and so has my allergies! My head feels like a bubble, in which I guess wasnt such a good time to stop taking my anti-depressants. Well, lets start off. I stopped taking my 100 MG Anti-depressants because it makes me feel like a blob, it cures my sadness but not my happines, im boring. SO I stoped taking it and already iv had an emotional breakdown. Its so hard on me, I feel sick from this stupid Georgia pollen and no meds are sad.


I posted in the relationship section for a reason, I just figured id tell you how I feel cause maybe that had something to do with my feelings. Since my boyfriend and I have gotten back together it hasnt been good. His kisses, hugs, hand holding, just nothing feels the same anymore. I feel like I wanna leave him but I dont have the heart and ill feel worse leaving him than staying with him. Bringing his things back to him and saying goodbye is hard for me. I dont know what I should do. I feel as if since weve broken up, I made this evil shell around myself to where im kinda, (im going to feel silly saying thing) well, I feel like one of those creme filled easter eggs. Theres the thick choclate shell outside and the creamy yum yum inside.


Iv built up this shell to where I dont want to accept his good, hes been generous and nice and all but I dont want to accept it. Then my good body is inside, I realize and LOVE all of his kindness but my other body wont let me, its hard to describe. I feel emotionaly & physically sick and I dont know what I should do. Please help....

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Just be sure if you get allergy meds, that whatever doctor you see knows that you take the antidepressants as well. Sometimes there could be drug interactions that might not be so good for you.


I feel for you on the allergy thing. I live in alabama and all the pine trees are throwing off the nasty yellow stuff that drives my allerigies insane. Plus all the flowers and trees are blooming out.

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