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OK women, Need to Ask? Metros or Real men?


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a metro isn't just a guy who shaves his body(parts).

Mostly a metro is a guy who's in touch with his feelings....but mostly a guy who feels joy and pain and doesn't hide that for the world. And yeah, to be honest, a metro is likely to be someone who cries sometimes about heartbreaking situations or maybe a romantic “feelgood” movie.


Ok. I'd like to change my answer, please.


(But it depends on the movie.)

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And as someone who can understand the pressure of having to "doll" yourself up would you not be against it? Seems like your saying women have to do it, so men should to. i am interested in your answers.


I am against it, but I would never not do it. I don't self tan nor do I over do it. But I do feel a lot more comfortable in the presense of a guy I like with my make up on. It's strange, because I won't give a crap when I'm with my friends, family, and male friends. I don't care if I don't have any make up on or if I'm wearing my glasses, in my sweats... but with a crush, a boyfriend, at a club, I feel very vulnerable without my make up on. Whose fault is that? I don't know. The media, men, other women, myself. My ex who said "wow" and gushed over me after I put my make up on before going out. It's so many things. Trust me when I say I wish I had complete confidence either way. But in all honesty, I just don't. I always act like I do though. People think I don't care at all, that I am completely confident and self-assured. It's just something in me, someone who is scared out of her mind about the first time her boyfriend will see her without her make up. I think I speak for many girls when I say all that.


It's not like any of us are weak. I am 99 % of the time confident and very happy with myself. It's just a fear that lingers in the back of your mind. I can't imagine that guys don't have this fear though? The insecurities? I'm sure you do. It's just that girls have the tools (make-up) to keep those insecurities hidden away.


I don't think it's like "women have to do it, so men should to." Sometimes I have so many thoughts in my head that what I say doesn't always come out right. I think what I mean is that, "women can dress themselves up, so men should be able to too without seeming less like a man." I can appreciate a non-metrosexual, but I can also appreciate a metrosexual man. I guess I can just appreciate any man who will love me back lol!

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I haven't shaved my legs for like two weeks. I doubt that I could keep up with a man who shaved every other day.


Honestly - do you guys really care about other peoples' beautifying? I don't care that much about how much time other people put into their appearance. AS LONG as they apply deoderant and don't REEK, I'm fine with that.


I live in a city that is FULL of metrosexual men. Sometimes their jeans leave very little to the imagination, their skin is softer than a baby's butt, and they pluck their eyebrows to perfection. Do I find that attractive? Not particularly - but SOME WOMEN DO!


I don't have the ambition to be that prissy.

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I cry when I watch "Where the Red Fern Grows"


Oh man, that is the saddest story every...I must have read that book a hundred times over when I was younger, I still have it. If you haven't, you should definitely read the book, it makes me tear up more then the movie!


It's even sadder then Old Yeller for me...

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I just remembered this last night, and thought this was perfect thread to post on!


I remembered reading the results of a study a couple years ago that had a "result" that women whom were on the pill tended to be more attracted to "manlier men" (thin Russell Crowe) while women whom weren't were more attracted to more "feminine men" (think Leonardo DiCaprio). They thought this may be due to the hormonal effects on the pill, it's a way for women to balance out the increased estrogen (ie men with more "masculine" features indicate high testosterone levels).


A-ha! I found an article about it:


link removed


Very interesting! Notice it also talks about how the pill may have women picking the wrong men!


I guess I was confused as I ended up with a sensitive but rough-around-the-edges kind of man! I actually just went OFF the pill now though after 10 years on it...uh oh...lol.....though I guess I did pick some wrong men in the past, I finally have a keeper! I am happy with my man on or off it

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Interesting article RayKay! Can't say that Russell Crow has ever done it for me though. Bit too burly.


Me too, but it was one of the burlier ones I could think of for an example! I laughed when I saw the article used his pic as an example...lol.

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But they *were* tossed in the trash.


If you had to wear one of those bras at the time (not designed as well as they are today - they were painful contraptions...even MORE then the ones of today!) you would seize any opportunity to trash them as well!

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I tossed six tighty whities last week. No reporters were in attendance.


Yeah, but you replaced them with something else, right?? Nevermind. I don't really need to know.



I agree: Bras are too expensive and too comfy to toss in the trash now!

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i know what you mean...i like to have myself a man,but i dont mind a man who takes care of himself as long as he doesnt cross a certain line and that line is whether he hogs the mirrow or takes forever on his hair...id def rether have a man then another



if i were you id keep being myself, you'll find a woman who

digs you for you, not for how pretty you are lol...

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Hmm. I like all kinds, but I guess I prefer a somewhat grubby type of man. Natural. I'm a low-maintenace gal and like low-maintenace men. Something about a little bit of stubble and all that manly stuff I like very much.


Hair is not a problem. It's actually a little odd when a man is body bald. Not a big deal, but I say let the hair do its thing.

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Interesting article RayKay... regarding making the WRONG choices on the "PILL" WOW!!! did I ever... I 'WAS" on the pill at the time and got off of it shortly after we were married. And.. tick-tock.. things kinda started taking a turn right around that time.


All the "MANLY MAN" stuff though I thought I saw was actually an overgrown 12 year old. Maybe its just me.. but I find nothing "manly man" or sexy about "Flatulance" or "bodily functions"... I'd rather that was a side of him I didn't, hear, see or smell. yikes.


I still say I like my men manly man... but not NEANDERATRAL either. Don't be clubbing me over the head and dragging my @zz to some cave now.


Scruffy vs. Polished To tell you the truth. I like them both. I'm a chamelean type myself, who kinda dresses to fit the mood and the occasion. And I think I look for that in my partner as well. I don't want a guy who looks like something the cat dragged in all the time. I'd have to euthenize him and put him out of his misery. (kidding).


It would annoy me to heck if he took more time sprucing than I did. I've got that art to a fine science and can dress to the nines, from shower to heals in about 25minutes tops.

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DAKO... You threw away 60 tighty whities last week!!!! Are we going comando these days??? You are getting crazy there my friend... a NEW MOTOR-CYCLE and now New Undies... hmmmmmmm.. going hunting?? LOL.


ahhhh underware... my guilty pleasure. I love sexy underware... its about time for a small splurge at Vickies.... a new pair of Knickers under your clothes can make you feel 100% times better about yourself. Better than taking anti-depressants!!!

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ahhhh underware... my guilty pleasure. I love sexy underware... its about time for a small splurge at Vickies.... a new pair of Knickers under your clothes can make you feel 100% times better about yourself. Better than taking anti-depressants!!!

LOL, I'm an addict, I can't stop myself, Victoria's Secret doesn't change up their stock enough to keep me satisfied...

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In one way I think it would be nice to date a metro: he wouldn't be constantly on my rear-end about how much time I take to get ready. My gay male friends understood and embraced this quality.


My boyfriend's priming


- roll out of bed.

- scratch/ readjust/ poke at/ play with genetalia.

- hork something up in my BATHROOM SINK.

- make jokes about how bad he smells.

- brushes teeth (for 5 SECONDS).

- wets hair and glops a bunch of gel over ALREADY sticky, gross day-before gel.

- peel whatever LOOKS clean off the floor, smell it, then put it on.

- drink 4 cups of coffee while sniffing, snorting, and belching.

- put on same stinky old coat and leave.

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In one way I think it would be nice to date a metro: he wouldn't be constantly on my rear-end about how much time I take to get ready. My gay male friends understood and embraced this quality.



My boyfriend's priming


- roll out of bed.

- scratch/ readjust/ poke at/ play with genetalia.

- hork something up in my BATHROOM SINK.

- make jokes about how bad he smells.

- brushes teeth (for 5 SECONDS).

- wets hair and glops a bunch of gel over ALREADY sticky, gross day-before gel.

- peel whatever LOOKS clean off the floor, smell it, then put it on.

- drink 4 cups of coffee while sniffing, snorting, and belching.


- put on same stinky old coat and leave.

Consider yourself lucky. Imagine a metro not getting on your a** about hurrying up. He will get on your a** about the way you are not applying your make up appropriately, the way you didnt iron your clothes right, the way you didnt apply exactly the right amount of perfume to achieve the proper "smell disperal" effect in the 10 foot radius etc. He would be stepping on your toes perhaps. Grass is alway greener on the other side.
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