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OK women, Need to Ask? Metros or Real men?


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I happen to think male hair is a sign of virility and find it attractive. Body hair is a natural part of being human, what you choose to do with it is your decision.


Your obvious double standard for what is considered acceptable for the genders is showing through. Would dating a hairy muscular woman be so awful, she'd most likely be very secure with herself to go against societal norm for female requisite shaving or she maybe even more of a naturalist than you. As for musculature, there are women in this world that do work that take us away from our velvet couches. We do the same jobs men do.

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I happen to think male hair is a sign of virility and find it attractive. Body hair is a natural part of being human, what you choose to do with it is your decision.


Your obvious double standard for what is considered acceptable for the genders is showing through. Would dating a hairy muscular woman be so awful, she'd most likely be very secure with herself to go against societal norm for female requisite shaving or she maybe even more of a naturalist than you. As for musculature, there are women in this world that do work that take us away from our velvet couches. We do the same jobs men do.


It is not so much a double standard. And I have no problem if MEN want to do shave their entire body, and go the metro route. I am just curious when did this become socially attractive. And no, I would not want to date a huge muscular woman with hair all over her body for the same reason why you would probably not want to date a guy who took more time primping himself than you. Does this make me a bad person, NO! If a woman wants to be hairy and muscular, kodos for her. Just not my thing.


And again, CB, I realize women do the SAME JOBS MEN DO. Let's try to keep this thread on target. You take things out of context all to often. You said so your self that you feel "male hair is a sign of virility and find it attractive."


I just get sick and tired of metros blabbing on "We take care of our bodies, etc etc, so should you". You know what! I take great care of my body. Im athletic and fit, I eat right, I work out. Shaving your entire body, waxing your chest, etc has NO MEDICAL BENEFITS. This is coming from a former pre-med.

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My boyfriend comes from a farm, he is definitely not a "metrosexual". Which is just fine with me, as I am not one for spending hours primping myself either. I grew up with a sister and brother whom did enough primping for all of us!


He does on occasion shave his chest though, and I know he does it FOR me, and while I love him with or without chest hair and actually find BOTH sexy in their own way, I find it sexy when he does it because it's something different - and brings out his pecs really nicely


Of course, I also have dated cyclists and swimmers, so have gotten kinda used to being with men whom shave their legs and such for their sport - but I would not consider them "metrosexuals" lol, they were athletes...


I really don't consider shaving to make a man 'metro'. I consider metro a guy whom puts WAY too much time into looking "just right" and being way into style and gelling their hair right...I prefer someone I can go get down and dirty mountain biking and camping with! Someone whom practices good hygiene, likes to take care of their body and health with being athletic/active/working out but is not obseesive about their appearance and enjoys LIFE. Like me

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Can we change the name to "Prissy Princes Movement".


LOL. Yea, if you are a swimmer, etc. I can understand why you would shave. But, if you aren't, and you fake tan, and shave your entire body, and buy exfoliating products, and spend hours on your hair, and wear tight * * * shirts and jeans, and listen to techno and drink white zinfadel......and sitll consider yourself straight, there is a problem

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LOL. Yea, if you are a swimmer, etc. I can understand why you would shave. But, if you aren't, and you fake tan, and shave your entire body, and buy exfoliating products, and spend hours on your hair, and wear tight * * * shirts and jeans, and listen to techno and drink white zinfadel......and sitll consider yourself straight, there is a problem


oooohhh!!! You have just described me!!!!

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LOL. Yea, if you are a swimmer, etc. I can understand why you would shave. But, if you aren't, and you fake tan, and shave your entire body, and buy exfoliating products, and spend hours on your hair, and wear tight * * * shirts and jeans, and listen to techno and drink white zinfadel......and sitll consider yourself straight, there is a problem


Yeah...definitely not my bf..lol. I am lucky if he puts on more the boxers most days (he works from home).


That describes my brother pretty well though...except for the consider himself straight part because yes he IS gay.


Maybe that is why I am not into metros, I grew up with enough of it as is!

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I would not want to date a huge muscular woman with hair all over her body for the same reason why you would probably not want to date a guy who took more time primping himself than you. Does this make me a bad person, NO! If a woman wants to be hairy and muscular, kodos for her. Just not my thing.

I have been with a guy that spent more time primping than I did, I didn't really care, I wasn't with him based on his grooming habits.


You discount an individual as being a possible mate based on something as inconsequential as being female with body hair based on your own personal preference, but in the same breath you condemn the practices of others who are making choices concerning there own bodies based on their preferences, why is it such a major issue for you what everyone else is doing? Why can't they continue their grooming habits with out your criticism? Why do you feel the need to attack their manhood because the choose to do something different than you?

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Wine was around far longer than beer, all those manly men in the middle ages that rode around in tin cans drank wine. Or is it only white wine that bothers you, does he need to chug and Cabernet Sauvignon and a Merlot to be masculine?


AH dont start with the hoity toity wine is better that beer! Thats where I draw line! Mayeb we should start a new thread.

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Wine was around far longer than beer, all those manly men in the middle ages that rode around in tin cans drank wine. Or is it only white wine that bothers you, does he need to chug and Cabernet Sauvignon and a Merlot to be masculine?

Save it CB. And you can lie to yourself all you want. I highly doubt you would be fine with a man who primps himself, and wears make up, and looks prettier than you. If a man wants to be metro, fine. But i still think it's bizarre. I just question the social conditioning of men in our society. And you can complain all you want about how egocentric or self centered I am, but I tell the truth, and tell it like it is. Flame me for being honest. I am not here to please the masses, and pander to people.

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I'm not lying to myself, why is it every time I'm in opposition of your ideas that I'm lying to myself or I am in denial? My priorities are different from yours, I happen to evaluate a person by their personality rather than by how he dresses, grooms himself, and even (horror of horrors) wears makeup (what about all those actors in your favorite manly movies?). I suppose if I were to have a problem it would be I keep an open mind and don't feel others personal choices should be flagrantly abused. You say let them be metro, but still you call them bizarre, not overly accepting of you...

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Okay, just because a guy drinks wine, grooms his hair and wears tight clothes you pretty much state he HAS to be gay? Wow, stereotype city. Welcome to the 21st century Cam (well maybe you'll eventually get there). You know, it works both ways, believe it or not there are gay out there who have way too much body hair, wear baggy clothing and have have never heard or a manicure or salon. Once again, the world is changing, men taking care of themselves is becoming a norm, and so is homosexuality, deal with it. Fashion changes all the time and so do people. Metrosexuals may just be a fad, but more than likely not.

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My one exception? Two eyebrows are better than one.


Actually, according to the NY Times style section (2+ weeks ago), the metro look is now "out" and has been replaced by men who wear ENORMOUSLY full bushy beards. LOL, unless you're a lumberjack or a married Amish man this looks is also a bit affected in it's own way. Imagine the upkeep!


In fact, the article claims that metrosexuality was never a real movement among American men, and has mostly been manufactured by Madison Avenue. Of course, since that's true of everything in the NY Times style section, one wonders why they bothered to write it!


Who knows.

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I see that there may be a *bit* of a line-crossing between healthy debate and flaming. Relax!!


LOL. Yea, if you are a swimmer, etc. I can understand why you would shave. But, if you aren't, and you fake tan, and shave your entire body, and buy exfoliating products, and spend hours on your hair, and wear tight shirts and jeans, and listen to techno and drink white zinfadel......and sitll consider yourself straight, there is a problem


LMAO!! An ex of mine was a bit like this. HE was what I considered metrosexual. He drove me absolutely insane with his nit-picking of my hair/ skin care, junk food-eating habits, and that I didn't hit the gym 7 times a week. The boyfriend I had after that was practically a polar opposite and it was freakin heaven.

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I see that there may be a *bit* of a line-crossing between healthy debate and flaming. Relax!!




LMAO!! An ex of mine was a bit like this. HE was what I considered metrosexual. He drove me absolutely insane with his nit-picking of my hair/ skin care, junk food-eating habits, and that I didn't hit the gym 7 times a week. The boyfriend I had after that was practically a polar opposite and it was freakin heaven.


Exactly! Damn some of you posters are fools. See, this proves my point that this type of behavior and social conditioning is utterly bizarre. And Trust me, nowadays, just because a guy wears make up, tight clothes, and shaves his body does not mean he is gay. I actually have gay friends who seem more "straight" than some of my metro friends.


I would never expect ALL men to go around beating their hair chests and clubbing women over the head and throwing them in the kitchen. And CB, this isn't only about appearance. It is about lifestyle and attitude. I dont know how any woman could ever genuinely be with a man who acts more like a woman than they do.

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My one exception? Two eyebrows are better than one.


ha that's amazing. I was at Dorney Park up in Allentown Pennsylvania a couple years ago and there were two guys on a water ride with us who had their arms and legs shaved but a HUGE unibrow.


It was hilarious for a couple of 13 year olds lol.

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