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OK women, Need to Ask? Metros or Real men?


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This is something that has always bothered me.


I am very confident with my self, and my sexuality. Obviously I have posted threads on here on what it means to be a man, etc etc.


My question to you women is simple: When in society, did it become acceptable for men to start shaving their chests (as well as other parts of their bodies) and start trying to be even prettier than women!?


Do women actually like this? I am a man. I FEEL like I man. I keep in shape, I keep my body healthy, and I am assertive. I also happen to have BODY HAIR! OH NO! I have a few friends of mine who seem to have adopted this "metro=sexual" movement, and shave their entire bodies. They dress in super tight jeans and shirts, and wear rediculous sun-glasses, and have crazy hair.


Now, Im all down for whatever floats your boat. But I thought women wanted a MAN, not a male doll. Not a man who is prettier than they are. Men are supposed to have hairy chests (well some men) and we are supposed to exude masculine characteristics.


Taking care of your body, and being fit or muscular is one thing. But some of these guys I know take it to the extreme. I can't tell you how many times I go out with these guys, and girls come up to me asking me if my friends are gay. It's nuts.

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ok now i'm not all for the tight pants or anything like that. whatever makes a person feel more comfortable about themselves you know. my boyfriend shaves his chest and i like it b/c he feels better about himself he'll let me take his shirt off to lay on his chest. it shows esteem maybe tight pants mean they pride their butt a little bit who knows but i will admit alot of metros go too far. i like my guy to have some low maintenance to him too. if he takes longer than me to get ready to go out ie: in front of the mirror!!!!!

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Well, if it makes certain MEN feel BETTER about THEMSELVES, that fine, but when did it come to this? I mean, I have no hair on my back, and yes, I have some hair on my chest, but for the most part, i feel I am a normal intergrated male. I have scruff on my face, and some hair on my chest and legs. I just dont understand why some women hate this, and why some guys feel they need to have hairless baby smooth skin.


We are MEN! I would hate it if I dated a woman with BIGGER muscles than me,and had hairy legs and armpits, etc.

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it's just a phase. hopefully guys'll get over it. well i personally like guys with hair wherever it grows on them as long as it's not a jungle i'll get tangled in cuz i would want him to enjoy my soft skin rather than sit there and enjoy his own. the day they talk to me about which scar happened which time they were shaving their legs that's the cue to scream and run!!!!!!!lol!!!j/k!!!! as long as they keep their happy trail!!!!!

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I like men but I'm not into the MANLY man. I'm talking about "I am man hear me roar". I find the macho attitude a huge turnoff. "Look at me I have hair all over, I will lean you over and have my way with you, I will provide for my wife and kids and my wife will stay at home to raise the kids and make me dinner" is just too much for me.


As for metrosexuals, what the heck is the problem? Not everyone fits into the same mould. There are women who dig that. I dated a metrosexual who went through a bisexual phase and it didn't bother me one tiny little bit. I am now dating a guy who is, in your terms more "manly", but we are still equals, we share responsibilities, we're a team, what I say has ground as well as what he says.


My point is everyone is different in who they are and who they like.

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You say you would hate a woman who didn't shave her legs or armpits? Why? Maybe there are women out there who don't like to be with some guy who has hairy pits and legs so thereforeeee she would be just like you in tastes. Why is the hairy pits and legs gross on a woman but not a guy, doesn't make much sense.


The world is changing and you cannot stop the change but only deal with it and move forward with it. The macho male is pretty much out. Shave or don't shave, but do what makes you happy and comfortable.

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I'm not talking about "Bat me over the head with a Club, CAVE MAN STYLE" man, good lord girl. Try not to take what I say out of context. I just mean being proud of who you are. I guarantee you 40 years ago, men were not shaving their entire bodies, fake tanning, and wearing tighter jeans to accentuate their rear end.


This isnt about men treating women like they did in the 50's. It is about appearance. It is about being proud of oneself. Of course couples are suppose to have equal say in a relationship. I am just trying to figure out when it became bad to have chest hair and a scruffy face.

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You say you would hate a woman who didn't shave her legs or armpits? Why? Maybe there are women out there who don't like to be with some guy who has hairy pits and legs so thereforeeee she would be just like you in tastes. Why is the hairy pits and legs gross on a woman but not a guy, doesn't make much sense.


The world is changing and you cannot stop the change but only deal with it and move forward with it. The macho male is pretty much out. Shave or don't shave, but do what makes you happy and comfortable.


The world is changing. And its a good thing. I don't see anything wrong with a man taking care of himself. I'd rather be with someone who did think enough of himself to primp a little. Heck, I put in maintenance time. And its nice that its appreciated. Not into the NEANDERATHRAL.. guy. TURN OFF.


But.. if a guy wants to shave, primp, dress.. hey. As long as I don't catch him wearing my lingerie or high heels.. its ok by me.


he can go out and buy his own in thats what his bag is... nothing worse than someone stretching out your lingerie and ruining your heels.. sheeesh.

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You say you would hate a woman who didn't shave her legs or armpits? Why? Maybe there are women out there who don't like to be with some guy who has hairy pits and legs so thereforeeee she would be just like you in tastes. Why is the hairy pits and legs gross on a woman but not a guy, doesn't make much sense.


The world is changing and you cannot stop the change but only deal with it and move forward with it. The macho male is pretty much out. Shave or don't shave, but do what makes you happy and comfortable.


Ok. Fine. I guess it's terrible that women have to shave their legs and armpits. Hey, I am all for doing something for yourself to make YOURSELF feel better. But are you telling me you would not mind dating a guy who is prettier than you? Who takes longer to get ready. Who drinks White Zinfadel? Fake Tans, even wears Make up?

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Ok. Fine. I guess it's terrible that women have to shave their legs and armpits. Hey, I am all for doing something for yourself to make YOURSELF feel better. But are you telling me you would not mind dating a guy who is prettier than you? Who takes longer to get ready. Who drinks White Zinfadel? Fake Tans, even wears Make up?


Okay enough with the sweeping generalizations.


Some women like men that shave their chest. Some men like shaving their chests. Good fit.


Other women like guys who don't shave their chest but don't look like something outta Jumanji.


It's all just personal pref, and whatever makes you feel good about yourself.

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I just don't like this metro movement because all of a sudden all the girls require this of a guy. The girl I'm talking to is cool, but my close friend fell victim to this trend. We used to go to some senior's house to get our hair buzzed and lined up for free but now he goes to some salon where you have to make an appointment a few days in advance to pay $30 for some Sonic-the-hedgehog looking style.

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I just don't like this metro movement because all of a sudden all the girls require this of a guy.

Oh goodness no. There is nothing worse than a man who puts too much effort into his appearance. I once dated a guy (who is apparently modelling for Tommy Hilfiger and an out-of-the-closet homosexual) who spent more on skin/ hair/ manicures/ pedicures/ tanning than I DID. Not only was it tedious, but he would often start in on ME about my "habits".


I'm sorry, but I'd rather spend my nights and weekends fishing or playing frisbee than in a tanning bed or at the gym. A nomal, old-school man (my boyfriend) LOVES me for this. Not many women want to compete to be 'prettier' with their boyfriends.


Body hair is sick. I don't care if it's "natural". It's natural for women to have hair everywhere too, but we somehow manage to shave/ wax/ pluck/ zap it away on a regular basis.

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Some women do like body hair, my ex did, I told her I might get my chest waxed and she said she likes it the way it is and didn't want me to get it waxed.. When you wax the chest, what about the happy trail? Wouldn't it look funny if you left it there? lol

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So I'm a Metro, and need to reply on this one.


There is nothing wrong with a man who likes to take care of himself.

Removing some parts of bodyhair is very good for your hygiene you know.


For example, most guys go around scratching their "thing" all day. Well let me tell you this, I don't...!!! No itching en twhiching, no fussy warm "below" but a kind of fresh feeling, so yeah I shave down there. I shave my but and arm-pits too, just because it looks better and feels better. No itching en twhiching!!!

I don't shave my chest, there's not so much hair on it, so why bother with that. My GF likes playing with my little curly hairs on my chest.


I'n not gay, I'm not a girly type of man, I'm just a guy who takes care of himself. And there a many more who do the same.

Don't make such a fus about this. If you bother so much about girls who have more interst in metro's, then be on, shave your chest and really take care of yourself.


Like you don't want a girl to look a certain way?? What does she need to have for you..??

Blond hair, Big Boobs, Big Butt, Blue Eyes,....... etc.

Grow up and stop crying!!!

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^ LOL! Funny post.


I don't think it's just the removal of body hair that makes a man a metrosexual. In my mind, a metrosexual is a man who just puts TOO MUCH effort into his appearance.


There's nothing wrong with a man taking care of himself, but it can get to a point that it's compulsive (and expensive).


I just know that a lot of women like a man who is a bit rougher around the edges.

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