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Don't play games. I try to return phone calls promptly. I don't like it when people do the same for me.


The thing is, try to be GENUINELY busy - you know, have a full life outside of dating. So that you're not picking up the phone because you're out at the gym, or at a movie with a friend, or at a meeting or whatever. Not because you're sitting by the phone, playing a game.


Be busy, don't act busy

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Games are stupid, I think people should just be considerate and respect the other parties emotions as well as make sure then take of themselves.


Yea....I despise games. Unfortunately, Life is ONE GIANT game.

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i call that immaturity... personally, i return emails and phone calls as soon as i get them or can.. i don't know but i doubt that playing hard to get will always get you the person. some people may assume your serious, not interested and just won't bother trying anymore..

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relationships and emotions are hard enough. i dont think there should be games. if something is going to get started it should be given a real opportunity to work out.


all games do is hurt ppl and lead to lies and misintentions.

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Yep. Agreed with everyone on here. If you start your relationship playing "games" (a fun word for manipulative lies), how is it going to end? Same way. I would hate that. Start out your relationship being sincere, truthful, and real, and your entire relationship will be that way for as long as it lasts.

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