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Why do you have to go to college anyway?

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I know just how whiney the title sounds, but i recently discovered that i screwed up. I am finishing my second semester of college. I saw my advisor today, and he made me feel like i had been wasting my time all year, because i started out with sort of low level classes. I have had aspirations of going to medical school, or physical therapy school, and i am considered an X-Ray tech program. I have very broad interests and there are many things i could see myself doing, mostly medical. My future in college is tough, which is something that doesn't, nor has it ever bothered me. tought = good.


But maybe college just isn't for some people.

i'm not asking for anyone to tell me "you can do this. stick to it." i want to know what else is out there. how did college become a requirement to life? Isn't there any respectable professions that don't require a degree?

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It's all about what you want to do and what you are intrested in.


If your not intrested in something chances are you'll find it tough.


You should talk to a career guidance councillor about this. They're the one's that will know allot about this and give you information on different courses to help you to decide.

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there are alot of jobs you just have to get on the job training. Generally you just get paid more if you took the time to go to college...You are right College isn't for everyone...its hard work...hopefully in the end that hard work will have been well worth it.

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Not EVERYONE has to go to college/university. It all depends where your interests lay, and what opportunities you are looking for.


I do recommend that you do get some sort of further education, but there are apprenticeships, trade colleges, university, distance learning - all sorts of ways of learning and developing your interests and career.


There are many jobs in life that don't require a degree, but many do require some form of education. There are plenty of entry level positions, but generally you will require some part time training/courses to go further.


And as for 'professional' - well that term actually defines jobs that require a specialized education and some sort of exam/entrance requirement to practice and sometimes even to begin education (which is why 'professions' are things like law, medicine, accounting, vetinerary medicine, dental school). So in the strict sense, professions need higher education - but in the loose sense of having a career, there are many you don't need university - it depends on what you want to do.


Honestly, education never stops, and it never hurts It opens a lot of doors, and I certainly don't regret my degree even if I have not actually worked in the field I studied. I am going back to do Law in the fall.

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College is good thing.. Yes there was a time when you can do things that didnt require college. But now a days thats the mode of moving forward..

I have seen at my own work place apart from experience college degree is important for promotion and for keeping your job.


There are so many people who graduate, chances of a college graduate getting a job are always higher then the one without it.


Think of how fast advancement would you want at a work place once you have kids. In todays world people have a hard time surviving on two incomes.


I am not trying to insult anyone here, but this is what the world has come to. With a college degree you give yourself all the opportunities life has to offer. I might be wrong but thats all i have seen in the fast moving businesses.


How about you do a search on jobs that are available out there? See what is the average starting pay compare for a collage graduate and the one without. Or what is the highest that you can earn for a job that doesnt require a college.

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I enjoy math and science and for any job in either of those fields, college is a must. It really depends on your goals in life, I want my PhD and to continue to do research, there are many people that don't like that sort of thing.


If you are interested in medicine, college is very important part, unless you would be happy with positions that require less education, such as an EMT or orderlies. There are specialty schools that cater to being technicians and medical assistants that only require Associates Degrees which are only 2 year programs, several colleges offer them as well.

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I don't believe people when they say that they 'aren't cut out for college' or something like that. I think it is more about a personal choice rather than whether you are 'cut out' for it or not. Anyone can do well in college if they have the motivation, money, and time for it. Just depends on what would make you motivated.


You shouldn't just look at a college as just preparation for your career. There is much more to college than that. Student life, many organizations of all kinds of interests, liberal/general education courses, career center, counseling center, and many other opportunities that can really open your mind up to this world. I came to college thinking that I would only be interested in computer courses and just wanted to train myself to be a better programmer. Now here I am taking more philosophy courses than computer courses. Before that, I explored math a little as well as subjects that I was exposed to in my liberal education courses such as politics, psychology, astronomy, etc. Looking back at it, I'm really glad that they have students take all of those general education courses. It really makes more well rounded in this world. Of course you won't learn everything but again, it definitely opens doors.


But still, it is a personal choice. One of my friends did not go to college until three years after he graduated from high school. He just worked for a while but decided to go back to school. A lot of people do that too. Your choice.

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