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Speed Dating any opinions?


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It's where you go to a place and one sex sits at a table and people of the other sex go from table to table... you have usually 3 minutes to talk with each other. Then you turn in little cards that are filled out with who you like (I think they are rated) and they match people. If both of you match each other (i.e. picked one another) then they notify you.


Or, i guess I could have just linked from Wikipedia...

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I thought it was fun. I went to one at a local pub. Most of the guys were really nice and I just thought of it as having a bunch of nice little conversations. I originally thought about asking all these questions and trying to get info out the guy, but when I got there I just let the convo go where it went. I enjoyed it, I only had 1 guy out of 30 that was hard to talk to.

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I think I would have a problem with speed dating because if we only get three minutes to talk to each other and get to know each other and then we have to fill out a card about who we liked, that would be a problem for me. I probably would not even remember the names of the guys I was talking to. Or I would get mixed up with who I got positive vibes from.


Has speed dating ever worked for anybody? Sounds like it would be hard to get to know someone or just get a good vibe from talking to someone for three minutes.

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i was very surprised at the amount of attractive women there, i was honestly expecting there to be maybe one or two attractive ones, but i'd say 40 percent were very attractive, 30 were alright, and 30 were heinous. there were more women than men, so obviously the attractive ones were surrounded by guys the whole night.


a few words of advice:

the women will each be at a table, men go around in a circle and converse with each woman for 3-5 minutes, then a whistle blows and you switch. you will go around the entire room once. if you come early to scope the place out there will probably be one or a couple that you will be very interested in. make sure that you situate yourself so that you either talk to these women a. during the first few rounds of conversation or b. make sure that the woman you are really interested in is the last person you talk to. towards the end of the 2-3 hour ordeal, everyone will be burned out on talking, the women will be cranky and rude, and the guys will be spewing forth mindless conversation. but if you talk to the woman you want early on, both of you will still have enthusiasm for it and the conversation will be more memorable. if you talk to them last, they will be enthused because you are almost done, and after it's done, you can make sure that you accompany the woman of your choice to the inevitable 'mixer' after the speed dating is over and monopolize her for the rest of the night.

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i think with speed dating it would be pretty hard to figure out who you wanted to get to know better amd who you didn't. based entirely off of appearances, sure you could do it. but appearances only go so far when your sitting down with a person who you can't have a 5 minute convo with. but if it's something you feel could benefit you, then i say go for it!

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