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having sex when your drunk


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last weekend I went out with a few friends, we got pretty drunk and met up with a few girls. one of the girls asked me to go back to her place and I did. we ended up having sex without any protection and now she thinks she pregnant. i don't even like her, i was just out having a good time. i had only met her but a few times. now i don't know what to do especially if she ends up to be pregnant.

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now she thinks she pregnant


Why does she think she's pregnant. It is very unlikely that there would be any signs of pregnancy so soon.


If it turns out that she is then the two of you need to sit down and discuss all the options as soon as possible.

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I hate to say this, but are you sure you are the father? Before you agonise... you might want to check this one out. We used to see alot of soldiers go out, get boozed, have sex with local girls (the ones with reputations for sleeping around). When pregnancy hit, it was common for the soldiers to be approached as fathers because they actually had decent jobs and would be able to make child support.


Once you get that out of the way, then you can take care of your responsibilities. I'm not sure this is the "party line" on these issues, just some practical experience of my own here, hope this doesn't sound to sexist or upset anyone and if it does - I do appologise in advance.

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You are responsible for your actions even if you were drunk, so you need to understand that first and foremost. If she is pregnant with your child you will have to provide for it. Even if you don't like her, you did have sex and the result of which is children not just a good time. The child maybe your's, it may not, if it is born the first thing to do would be a praturnity test. That will be the only real way to decide if it is your's.

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I hate to say this, but are you sure you are the father? Before you agonise... you might want to check this one out. We used to see alot of soldiers go out, get boozed, have sex with local girls (the ones with reputations for sleeping around). When pregnancy hit, it was common for the soldiers to be approached as fathers because they actually had decent jobs and would be able to make child support.


Listen to icemotoboy just take things one step at a time. Whatever you do don't go and jump to conclusions. Just like the posters before stated take things slow and I know that this may sound easier said then done but from my past experience the worst things may have the most funnies endings. Remember their is alway an alternate way to solve this issue. Just try not to let it kill you inside. I hope everything works out good for you.

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At the end of the check up line, we all have to pay. So in the end we ourselves are the ones who are responsible for our own actions.


However 3 lives are going to be ruined here. Your life, because you just wanted some fun and got this. Her life ,because you don't even love her. The childs life, because its cursed with irrisponsible parents.


If there is a child, give it up for adoption because you don't deserve to be a father,nor does she deserve to be a mother, not at this point at least. A child that is born must have loving parents, who can provide it a future. Preferably in a decent marriage. Life is precious to give and to receive, i hope you don't go for abortion, because killing an innocent life will result in having more blood on your hands, i hope you are more responsible in the future, action leads to reaction, and you must take all the risks in aspect that come to play. Have safe sex, if your not planning on getting a child. When your drunk you can't make that decision 'clearly' so thereforeeee you must make such decisions before such actions take place. That's a little late advice now of course. But would you have liked it when you got to know you where an 'unwanted child'? Thats horrible, and avoiding such situations at all costs should be a priority.

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Two words:




If she's pregnant, she may have already been pregnant and now you're the sucker she is trying to stick with the bill, so to speak. It often takes more than a few weeks for the first signs of pregnancy to find out, as well. Just let her know that you will take care of the child in every way IF IT IS YOURS and you WILL ask for a blood test.


Now, obviously, if you don't want to be a father, don't come inside of any woman. If you do, you may as well marry her. You're playing an adult game with adult reprocussions, and there are adult responsibilities that come along with it. Welcome to being an adult.

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Well I'm glad to see I'm not the only one pessimistic about deciding who is the father. They have been talking about compulsory paternity tests around child support or something here in New Zealand. It was surprising the number of soldiers I would talk to who agreed to child support who didn't really have any idea whether they were the father or not!


I think jumping to the conclusion of adoption or other options is really something that needs to be discussed and figured out. Just cause you made a mistake doesn't mean you will be a hopeless "dad", it depends how you deal with that mistake.

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Yeah. My understanding - and correct me if I am wrong - is that pregnancy test ONLY work after she has missed her first period, and even then it's like 5 days after she missed her period. So when did you sleep with her versus when did she tell you? If it was less than a week, something is wrong.


Some women are evil, coniving, liars. Don't trust everyone blindly. Be SMART and THINK.

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Dont jump to conclusions yet. She may think that she is pregnant but its too early to tell. Realize that if this type of situation happens again you do have options such as the morning after pill. All you can do now is wait and see if she is pregnant.

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Well in about another week she SHOULD have a positve on a test if shes pregnant and then if she is be there for her and get a dna test, I am not saying you should be super dad but dont just not talk to her until she has a dna test because if the baby ends up yours you may be sorry later. I can say from experience that she should not have any symptoms until atleast 2-3 weeks after you guys had sex at the VERY earliest. Some women are very paranoid and think they are pregnant just because they had unprotected sex so I wouldnt worry about it at this point. All you can do is wait and see... The egg does not meet the sperm until 2 weeks from the time you had sex so in actuality a woman is not really pregnant the first 2 weeks of the 40 week pregnancy so there is no way she would know anything until after that point.... Hope things turn out okay for ya....

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