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What's with guys overusing the word "sexy"?


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Ok, I know this is a pretty stupid question. But seriouly what is it with them and the word "sexy". It's so overused. To me it's the worst thing you can ever tell me, esp. if you're so straight forward. That's why I didn't answer most of these guys on myspace, hate being called "sexy", or "baby". So rude, so offensive, it's like telling me I'm their sex object.

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I don't think all men overuse those words. I tend to find myspace to be a place where people neglect a lot of social rules. Since it is over the internet, they probably watch their manners less, and are more likely to say something riskier than they would say in a real life situation.


It seems from this post and other posts that you get very annoyed with the majority of guys that contact you on myspace. Maybe it is not the best way for you to meet people.




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Yea, indeed it is annoying. That's why I'm just there to see my few friends from high school. So far I'm only answer to one guy, this one didn't use any of the rude words, in fact he just to talk and know more about me. So ok, guess not all of them who come to that site are like that. It's just gets annoying they don't watch their manners.

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I rather prefer them asking more about myself, my hobbies, then talk about themselves etc, instead of being so straight forwards with those words. I mean, they don't even know me, so there's no need/ no point in saying those words noe acting horny and stupid.

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I don't mind the idea of using sexy to describe someone you're fairly intimate with, but aside from that I do agree it is overused to an extent, but its not just by men its by people in general. I think it has a lot to do with the more open view society is starting to take of sex and sexuality. But like most words when used in proper context "sexy" can still have great meaning if the understanding is there.


You mentioned guys not liking being called baby, well as a woman that would be an insult even to me for anyone but my Mother to call me that. The implications of being called baby again go back to the meaning and connotations that come with the word. It maybe a term of endearment for some, but for others it can seem degrading.

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I think it depends on the context. I like to be called sexy, only if the feeling is mutual toward the person saying it to me. For instance, I love it when my husband says it to me.


However if a stranger hoots it at me or someone says it to be rude or obnoxious or inappropriately sexual with me, I am quite tempted to let thier crotch meet my high-heel shoe.




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Funny you should say that..... I've just been out in my car and some guys drove past and callled out to me, whistled etc. It felt great and I loved it!!!!!!! Made me all sexy, when I got out I walked with a wiggle and held my head up high and it's what prompted me to post in the first place. I guess everyone is different.


But for me, like I said ........ RaRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

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Funny you should say that..... I've just been out in my car and some guys drove past and callled out to me, whistled etc. It felt great and I loved it!!!!!!! Made me all sexy, when I got out I walked with a wiggle and held my head up high and it's what prompted me to post in the first place. I guess everyone is different.


But for me, like I said ........ RaRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!



Next time I come accross the infamous whistlers, I'll send them to the UK....



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Ailec, the guys on MySpace are likely saying it because it's ultimately sex that they're interested in. That is, except the one that is chatting to you about other things. There are lots of guys on just about any site who are always trolling, just as there are guys who are not, but they're harder to see sometimes because they're more low key. Like somebody suggested, tailor your profile to describe exactly what you're after and ignore the rest.


The whistling on the street bit is a bit different. They guys KNOW they're not likely to ever see the woman again, and they're likely not specifically trying to pick her up, they're mostly letting their testosterone shine through. Sometimes it truly is intended to be a compliment, sometimes they are seeing if they get any kind of reaction.


I pretty much retain the word myself for my partner, although I might on occasion make it to somebody in very specific situations. I certainly wouldn't spout it off as a general comment. If I though it would make a woman feel better about herself, and felt there would be no issues in telling her, then I likely would.


As a pickup line, I think it's got to be fairly low on the list though! And starting up an online conversation with it on a non-sexual site seems off to me.

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I guess it's a matter of prespective. If some guy came up to me and said 'hi sexy' I'd be.. 'eww get away' if someone I was friends with or that I liked said it I would take it as a compliment. That might be a cutural difference also? It can mean diffirent things in diffirent areas even over here.

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I think, Ailec, that some guys' vocabulary is suddenly emaciated when they are trying to strike up a conversation with someone they may truly be interested in knowing better; how awkward would it be to start spewing comments on some girl's thoughts and beliefs--that isn't small talk! Initially, we are not attracted to a person's morals if we haven't even met--we may begin by commenting on their appearance. If guys are still nervous at this point--and most ARE (honestly, women can be brutal!) they want to use adjectives that are flattering, and "sexy" happens to be one of them. Give them a break!

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