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Love conquers all


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Does anyone have stories of overcoming hardships and realizing that in the end, love really does conquer all?


For me, its my life. I've walked through life feeling little love period, and not expecting to find the right person to love me in that way. But, despite the constant stream of those saying I know nothing about girls, love or relationships, I found the greatest girl of all. And her love is what keeps me alive.

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"Love is not enough."


Hollywood does a fantastic job of glamorizing love. Bottom line is that love is not enough. Love does not sustain itself. Love encompasses a number of factors in a relationship, thereforeeee the mere act of caring deeply for someone can't be enough.


Coming back down to reality - love can't keep you alive. Loving someone can't and should not keep you alive. I'm assuming you're just using a figure of speech. Glad you found a woman though - always good to hear when someone gets involved in a good, healthy relationship.

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Love is enough. Yes, you need compassion, understanding, honesty, trust, communication, etc....


But without the love those things will fall by the wayside.


My life is proof that love is enough. For without the love of one person I would not be here today. It is her love that has kept me going when everyone has told me for a year know that I don't know healthy relationships and love.


Love is enough, for it is love that we are all here on this board. It is love for people and a desire to help that motivates the posts we make, at least it is for me.


Love conquers all. Lets here some positive stories.

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Agree with shysoul

love is everything I needed to get back on my feet. unfortunately in today's world success in a relationship is not only defined by love, but also money and wealth and the respect that you get from wealth. I was a hopeless romantic until recently that I have found the girl of my dreams, and no matter what I do or say to her she appreciates me.. I dun have to think. ooh if I say I care about you would she get bored of me. I was in the edge of giving up the search for true love and started to believe strongly that true love is nonsense and it doesn't exist anymore, but I guess I am wrong and it feels good to be wrong for the first time. We just started 3 weeks and 2 days, but I have such strong feelings for her that I don't know what would I do with out her now.

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Love doesn't conquer all...especially when the one you love, loves someone else.


Even if two people are deeply in love, there are always many other factors preventing them from being together. Hate to be pessimistic about this, but love is simply not enough. If it were, there would be no such thing as breakups...and definitely no enotalone..

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But don't you first have to love and respect yourself and then feel that way towards a person. Cuz imagine of you have a not so high self-esteem, and you claim to really love that person. Then the next day, he/she dumps you, cheats, abuses, wutever and wut next?? You then find yourself at a very low point that you're not even thinking logically or rational, wut about the others things you enjoy doing, the way you were before.

Not really ShySoul, love doens't conquer hatred or anger. It's weaken by it cuz by the time he see that person as capable of hurting you or deceiving you, you're sseing the other personality of him/her, you don't see him/her the same way as when you first met them. When you met them, you were prollie just thinking as roses and elephants in paradise, but when that's gone, you're face with reality again. In reality, everything is neutral, not good not bad.

Ok don't mean to be negative on it, it's just the way reality works, you cna't expect way to much nor call that person "oh my love" so frequency and uncessessarily.

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i wish i had a good positive story like you asked for, shysoul, but i'll have to admit that i agree with you. i think all these people on here are either referring to unrequited love, love that has fallen apart, love that has broken.. but i don't think that's the sort of love you mean at all! it is obvious that "true love" exists, though it may be hard to find as it is so precious. if you have found true love, as you let on, then i envy you in every way. and maybe you will know that those old broken, unrequited relationships weren't really love at all


of course relationships take work, but you're right. without love, it is nothing. if the love is there, equally & mutually, then i believe both people would work for it as it is the greatest thing to find in life. you can't buy it, or send away for it, or really apply for it.. after a break-up i read this little article about a couple, it was a fill in the blank.. it said, "our relationship has taught us that.." and they said "if the love is right, it's easy." that gave me the most hope. i think i have been given little glimpses of true love, which keep me going, so maybe that's my positive story! i think if we thought everyday that no one will truly love us unconditionally, many of us would kill ourselves now. what would be the point of living, if not to love someone and be loved?

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What does that really mean, "love conquers all?" I never really understood that phrase....


I loved my kitten like crazy. But, I was too allergic to him. The breeder wouldn't take him back, and I couldn't keep him because of my asthma attacks. My aunt and uncle in canada offered to take him, and now he has an even better home than the one I provided for him. I had just a small apartment, while they have a nice house with a huge yard with plenty of mice and birds for him to decapitate. My aunt and uncle spoil him like crazy. They feed him microwaved fish. He has grown into a very healthy and happy athletic cat.

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"love conquers all" is a fantasy. It's a nice one of course but a lot of fantasies about love are very idealistic. But when one deals with it in the real world you soon realise that it is only a part of life and the harsh realities of existence will intrude on the fantasy.


The only problem with idealising love and relationships is that one becomes so disillusioned when those realities do intrude and those people who have fallen for the fantasy are so unprepared that they have difficulty coping.


Balance is essential in love and relationships - and that includes a balance between what we wish for and what we can realistically attain.


Remember that there is another person in a relationship who has their own idea of what 'love conquering all' means.

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Right that whole "love conquers all" phrase is nothing but a myth. It doesn't, anger, disillution conquers it. What about when they ran off into someone else, leading you to false expectation and hurting you in the process. Do they love you then, do they love in that moment when they're not thinking of you?

How about your debts, how does love get rid of daily debts, finances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I nearly had a story about love conquering all (I was like *this* close)... but she ended up throwing it away and taking off. If something really weird happens though, I'll be sure to post here.


In the meantime, I will be eating a lot of microwaved fish. As soon as I buy a microwave. And some fish.

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I believe love is important, but that rationality is even more important.


If you let love be your only driving force in life, that is irrational. If you allow your love for another person to be the only postive motivation you can find in your life, you are setting yourself up to get hurt badly one day.


Love is wonderful and strong, but I do not believe it conquers everything. (which is likely why there is a lack of stories here to support the notion) After being with a wonderful man for 11 years and feeling like I have great and intense love in my life, I still realize that there are other things that are important in my life.


You have to maintain rationality in any situation of love. There is a huge amount of stories on here in which rationality was abandoned in love, and it caused people to get very hurt.


Love and be loved, but also be rational about it.




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"Not really ShySoul, love doens't conquer hatred or anger.....In reality, everything is neutral, not good not bad.

Ok don't mean to be negative on it, it's just the way reality works, you cna't expect way to much nor call that person "oh my love" so frequency and uncessessarily.


I agree. Your comment reminds me of Star Wars episode Part III and Part VI. Darth Vader let his love for Luke's Mom lead him to the Dark Side. He took on vengence for his wife. In episode VI, Luke defeats his dad and the universe is balanced. Darth Vader (-1) plus Luke Skywalker (+1) = 0 (balance).


The other issue on a less theoretical note is... Is love always unconditional? (this may need to go on another post). I think love is always conditional. Parents love for children in biological terms is conditional because the kids carry the genes. Parents love for each other is also conditional b/c they give each other financial, emotional, and physical needs to each other.

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It's interesting that reading this thread, the only people who feel that love conquers all are either quite young, or relatively inexperienced with the concept of a relationship.


I don't mean any insult to those who posted, it's just interesting to see.


I think that while love is wonderful and can definitely lift you up and make life sweeter, it is definitely not EVERYTHING and certainly does not conquer all. The chilly blast of reality is that love must come with work, effort, compromise, and self fulfillment.


It is very romantic to believe that love will always get you through, but alas, it is just not true.


(as evidenced by my quote)

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