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Who is Your Soulmate?


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I have heard a mileau of cases of relationships as what is described as so intimate, it is a matter of "soulmates." But I wonder: if your soulmate is someone you relate to--or that is my understanding of it, then are your "soulmates" not your most intimate friends? Are they necessarily "lovers" in the sense of marriage or other permanent, "divine" bondage?

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I have never really understood what 'soul mates' meant. Sounds a little scary - as if you submerge two personalities into one.


But whatever it means, I know that I would rather be with my wife than with anyone else.

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I think the concept of a soulmate is basically flawed.


Over the course of a lifetime, we will meet many people we feel a connection with, many we are compatible with, and of those, a few we feel especially close to....for a time. Change being the nature of life, inevitably, one person or the other or both will grow and change and there is no guarantee they will do so in the same...or even in complementary...directions.


Everyone who comes into our life...and everyone whose lives we enter...is there for a reason. When those reasons cease to exist (i.e. the lessons are learned/taught, the karmic debt is paid, or however you want to phrase it) the relationship also ceases to exist. This can happen through growing apart, a break-up, or death f'rinstance. Viewed this way, the life of a relationship is no different than the life of any living thing....there's a birth, there's growth, and eventually there's death.


Too many people use the idea of a romantic soulmate (ONE "right" person out there who you will love and who will love you back to the exclusion of all others forever and ever, amen) to cause themselves a lot of undue misery. They use the idea to feel bad about themselves, their relationships and their life (what's wrong with me? I haven't found my soulmate!). They use the idea as an excuse to stay in unhealthy relationships (but s/he's my soulmate! I can't leave even though s/he's abusive!). They use the idea to create unrealistic expectations of a partner and relationships, creating unnecessary pressure on every interaction with someone of the opposite sex. (s/he might be my soulmate!)


At the end of the day, it's about how you get along with the other person...who they are right now -- not who they were in the past, or who they might become in the future -- and who you are right now. It's about respecting and cherishing them for who they are now, and receiving that same respect and regard in return.

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A soulmate is a mate with whom you share your soul with.


Yes, that seems obvious. But most people don't fully understand there own soul and all that comes with it. You must first understand yourself before you can share that soul with another.


A soulmate isn't something you can define. It is something you must feel. You can debate and anaylze all you want, but in the end it is simply something that you have to know.

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Ok, to me there isn't such a thing as a soulmate. I'm realist, not a romanticist person. To say such a thing as "soulmate", you are expecting way too much, living in fairy tales and seeing everything like "roses and starts" as if you're living in paradise. But in reality, nothing will be abosolutely perfect. In reality, that person is just a regular, average human, a rational animal. The only difference is that we rationalize and can talk, while the other animals cna't, they live based on instinct.

But instead of soulmate and second half, which is overheard many times, you can refer to that person as yur best friend who you have shared your intimate moments for so long, you can refer it to a strong bond, strong communication. It's that special best friend to whom you put the time, effort, energy, and commitment towards and he/she is there to listen and not criticize nor put you down.

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I think the concept of a soulmate is basically flawed.


Ditto to your whole post, shes2smart! (Except maybe the 'for a reason' part). Ebb and flow, both between and within relationships. It's nice when we can hold on to somebody for awhile, though.

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But skeptical.



Who is to say skepticism cannot be rewarding? After all, what can one hope to find if he is not wary of his surroundings, if he is blind to the world? Not to say you MUST be skeptical, it is, in my opinion, a means of keeping a lookout for both good and bad aspects.

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A soulmate isn't something you can define. It is something you must feel. You can debate and anaylze all you want, but in the end it is simply something that you have to know.


I agree with this 100%.

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  • 2 weeks later...

lol i thought soulmates where when you believe there is one person out there in the world who is exactly like you of the oposite gender, and share and hold the same views.


Although i did a little research and found this:

Classic Meaning of Soulmates

The concepts of soulmates arose from Greek mythology. According to the story, our ancestors once had 2 heads, 4 arms. They did something to offend a god so that god punished them by splitting them down the middle, resulting in the creation of humans. As a punishment, we are condemned to spend our lives searching for the other half, our soulmates.



Spiritual Soulmate Concepts

Many religions and spiritual paths believe in reincarnation and the concept of karma. Through reincarnation, soulmates may spend many lifetimes together in past lives. Other spiritual methods of searching for one's soulmate are astrology, numerology, palm reading, personality types, and magic. Modern spritual paths often blend western and eastern philosophies.


Companion Soulmates

These are people that we encounter through their life. These are usually friends, teachers, mentors, or other people who have helped you achieving a life's goal or helped you out of a crisis.


Twin Soulmates

These types of soulmate are your closest friends or a person whom you really click with. According to those who believe in reincarnation, you have already met them in a past life, and in this life you are continuing the relationship. There is an emotional bond between these soulmates and each is able to sense the feelings of each other..

Twin Flame Soulmates

This is the most popular type of soulmate. There is usually one twin flame soulmate for each of us. Twin flame soulmates have spent multiple lifetimes together in past lives. There is incredible chemistry and attraction towards each other. They "complete" each other and only few lucky people are able to find their twin flame soulmate. Twin flame soulmates, if separated, usually suffer enormous pain.





Love Economics Definition of Soulmates

Love Economics is our theory of love and dating. It is based on probabilities calculations, population statistics, and empirical research findings from Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and Psychiatry. Love Economics explains social interactions in economic terms, benefits and costs. Based on this theory, the person who gives you the highest benefit per cost ratio on this Earth is your soulmate. The benefit to cost ratio is called your soulmate ratio. Mathematically, the ratio is written as:



Soulmate Ratio = Total Love Benefit / Total Love Cost



Your soulmate is the person who will maximize your soulmate ratio and vice versa. If another person exists that has the ability to give you a higher soulmate ratio than the person you are with, then the person you are with is not your soulmate. No one in this world, including being by yourself, could make you happier than being in love with your soulmate. True love is the love you share with your soulmate.

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to me a soulmate is someone you can talk to about anything, a soul mate is someone you do not have to worry about being yourself with. A soul mate is someone non judgemental. A soulmate is someone who every time your not with them you feel like your cut in half. A soulmate is someone who will always be there for you through thick and thin.


ask yourself this in your current relationship


can you and your better half complete each others sentences.

can you and your other half not have to say a word and you knew.

can you and your other half talk about anything under the sun and not be afraid of what they think.

Does your heart beat faster when they are near you.

Can you go a long time without seeing them and remember exactly what they look like.

Can you remember what it was like before you met them. Or do they filll your days in your thoughts and in body.


here are a few i believe that says if they are your soul mate or not.

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Well I don't go for all that soul searching and mushy stuff myself, but I always kind of thought me and an ex were soulmates because of how much we were attracted to eachother, and I don't mean just physically, but we were inseperable from the first night we met, and both loved each other so much. It was literally one of those things where we were dancing and the music had stopped way before and neither of us were paying any attention, our friends had to finally come pry us apart! But that was a long time ago.


The truest answer to your question may be: 'Does it really matter?' We all just have to try to make the best of what we have and be as happy as possible.


That's the end of me waxing on philisophical for now.

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