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Loving a cartoon charictor.....

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Dose loving a cartoon charictor of the same gender count as being bi? Max, from the show Pokemon is the one I love. I have liked him for a few years now and he's all I think about. My favorite dream is one where I dreamed I kissed him. I once had some hentai of Max, and I looked at it every night, but one day I acadently deleted and I was devistated. To this day I haven't found any more. Also, the movie he plays a big role in I have watched hundereds of times and I still don't get tired of seeing Max and his friend Jirachi. (FYI my avatar is of Max and Jirachi) So, do you think this will count as being bi?

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Same sex attraction is homosexual. Not bi-sexual.


However I have a feeling that being attracted to a cartoon character of any gender is its own issue. I am not meaning to make light, but I can't tell if this is a serious post. But I am wondering if there is a term for one who fantasizes about cartoons.


If not, anyone care to coin one?

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I am assuming you are attracted to girls, but some how this male cartoon character does something for you , and you wonder if it makes you bi sexual.


I am not sure how serious you are about this. I do not know what term you could put on fantasizing about cartoon characters.


Maybe its just a passing obsession on the cartoon guy. If you are not attracted to males in real life, then I would think that your cartoon guy is just a strange occurrence for you.


Maybe its time to give up the animated characters and find a new interest.

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Same sex attraction is homosexual. Not bi-sexual.


Actually with the way original post wrote out the post, I have to disagree. The person who wrote this asked in such a manner that it seemed like simply one male crush which presented the question. Thus if it is only one and all others are female in reality or otherwise, then it would have Bisexuality potential.


Anyhow, I think everyone I've known has fallen in love with a cartoon character at some phase in their lives, whether it was youth, teens, or other. It seems like a natural thing, to me anyhow with as many as I've known which had engaged in Anime (primarily) crushes.


Really, I think it would be worth examining whether you have any feelings for men in reality. If there is none or it is minimal its probably just that cartoon crush phase and you're straight. Now, if you have an emotional and/or physical interest in both the same sex and opposite sex in real life outside of the cartoon that may be deemed Bisexual. Homosexual as I will mention is the absolute interest in the same sex in both mind, body and soul so to say. Heterosexual is the absolute interest in the opposite sex in mind body and soul.

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There's this one irl guy I like, but I think the only reason I like him is because he hates me.....you see, everyone says I'm way to obsessed with Max, but I don't think so. I just think I love him and no one understands my feelings for him.

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Yes i understand your feelings, they are serious and you are at an age where hormones are raging thru your body. Your preference may yet needed to be determined, you like girls, and you find a great attraction into max, because he is wonderfull, he has all the things you like in a guy and you wish you could be him yourself. And people who love someone naturally have also a sexual attraction towards that person , so thats perfectly fine.


Just let yourself grow naturally, and over time you'll get your own answers towards who you prefer. You like anime , millions of people do, also sexually so your not weird or falling out of line, its just that people get stigmatised in society and thereforeeee you wont find many people admitting/telling this, which makes you a brave but still perfectly normal young man.

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Well I agree, liking someone of the same sex very well can be bi-sexuality.


The question is if you are interested in men /boys in real life too.


If it makes you feel any better I have the hots for Jessica Rabbit and have forever haha... 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' Shes HOT.

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If it makes you feel any better I have the hots for Jessica Rabbit and have forever haha... 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' Shes HOT.


And I have the hots for Angelina Jolie. She's a cartoon character, right??

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You know, I fell head over feet for Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura, then I fell for Tomoyo of the same show. In a way I understand how you feel, but then again, I was 10, and that was quite a while ago, so I might not relate as well.


The point is, I don't consider you abnormal.


But in the end, I would probably at least aknowledge that you do have homosexual/bisexual tendencies, of varying degrees at least, but I wouldn't know what to tell you.

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I don't think you're bisexual or gay, but it is a possibility. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


I actually had a crush on Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog, but I was like 10 or 11. 16 is a bit old for this kind of thing I think, but whatever.

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I remember being very fond of Optimus Prime (the Transformer) when I was about 9. My first alpha male, LOL! I remember that I though it was kind of odd at the time, so sometimes I'd purposely not read the comics or watch the animated show just to prove to myself that I wasn't weird...making the whole situation even funnier, of course.


It seems to be pretty normal. I think it's actually a good way for kids to figure out which character traits they most admire and identify with--kind of like reading DragonLance books. The characters are like real people distilled down to their essense, and so you can just pick and choose what you like. Like Sex and the City, actually!!

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hmm my best friend had a crush on Dark from DNAngel, Tucsedo mask from Sailor Moon I forget if there were others. She's 21 and she still crushes on them. But she knows it's not real and she has a boyfriend.


I've liked anime characters in the past. It's part of growing up and learning the real world from the world we create for ourselves. Yeah you may well be bi, but then again it might be a phase your going though. I think lots of people in that age group (my phase was about 16-17) go though the am i or arn't i phase.


Perfectly natural.


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Optimus Prime. Lion-O. He-Man. Wow, the 80s cartoons freaking rocked!!!


I had a little thing for Jessica Rabbit for about 5 minutes. I always admired one of the members of G-Force because he shared my name. Fairchild from Gen-13 was drawn way too seductively for me to ignore.


Nothing wrong with it. After all, it's just as much a fantasy as watching Playboy TV. Well not really, but it's still a fantasy.

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Well I know there is a fetish for cartoon characters, but I quite can't put my finger on the name of it...I'll try to find it, becuz now its buggin me that i don't know..Newho back to the original message at hand, he is wondering if the fact that he is in love with a cartoon character affects his sexuality in real life..well yes and no, yes becuz it may mean that u are exploring a new horizon, either your subconsciously taking a attraction to males in general or something specific triggers your attraction to this Max character. Obviously cartoon characters are of real people..Now to be attracted to this cartoon character can mean that you r attracted to the qualities of the character itself, or this may be a hint that ur taking interest in males..Not quite sure for now..but best bet to give it time

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I admit it - I had a crush on a character from "War of the Planets," one of the first anime cartoons back in the early eighties. Was surprised to learn some time ago this isn't as uncommon as one would think (for younger people, that is. If I had a crush on one now, at 36, I'd be very concerned, lol).

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I'm glad to know it's normal for me to like Max, but one thing that bothers me is that although I like to look at porn and things like that, I hate to think of me doing things like in real life. Is it normal to feel love for a real person (in this case my beloved GF) but not be attracted to wemon sexualy at all?

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Optimus Prime. Lion-O. He-Man. Wow, the 80s cartoons freaking rocked!!!


I had a little thing for Jessica Rabbit for about 5 minutes. I always admired one of the members of G-Force because he shared my name. Fairchild from Gen-13 was drawn way too seductively for me to ignore.


Nothing wrong with it. After all, it's just as much a fantasy as watching Playboy TV. Well not really, but it's still a fantasy.


Oh my god, I was a Gen13 diehard, primarily because of the art! I used to be an aspiring comic book artist and I modeled my drawing style after the GEN13 graphics.


I agree, the women in that book were drawn magnificently! Heck, Fairchild almost made me think I was totally hetero.


But I was way more into "grunge." haha.

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I'm glad to know it's normal for me to like Max, but one thing that bothers me is that although I like to look at porn and things like that, I hate to think of me doing things like in real life. Is it normal to feel love for a real person (in this case my beloved GF) but not be attracted to wemon sexualy at all?



Dear lord. Well, it depends on how you see it. From a straight males point of veiw it's weird not to be sexually attracted to women (that doesn't mean they aren't okay with it or won't accept it) but for me it's totally normal not to be sexually attracted to women. However, as various people on this forum has said before there are to kinds of attractions, a physical and an emotional attraction. Depending on your sexual orientation you can be emotionally attracted to women and physically attracted to men and there are many other combinations.


The physical attraction is to the body, who you would prefer to share a bed with. When I was your age I was like many of the young gay men here seem to be. I didn't really know how to deal with some of my feeling. I felt an attraction to men but I couldn't consider doing any of those things that gay men were "supposed" to be doing to each other (anal sex, oral sex etc.). This had, by then, been changing and shifting a little. I didn't really know what to think because I was partly attracted to women, partly attracted to men.


Now the emotional is a little more complicated in a way. For me it wasn't. I have never been in love with a girl or had an emotional attraction to a girl. I guess this could be explained in this way: We all have preferences of how, in what way we would like our possible partner to be. These preferences are rather blunt so they fit in on either males or females. These are also regardless of gender. Gay males have an attraction to the more masculine ways of being(even though there are masculine women we still act differently. There are always things that either makes you think or suspect that someone is a man or a woman if you are on the net and chatting). Men and women have different ways to act and react and that's what the emotional connection or attraction is built on. This can cause confusion and make a straight male, technically fall in love with another male but only if they haven't met before (otherwise he would probably flip out). If the male (not the straight one) is an MtF (Male to Female) transsexual he or she will act exactly like a woman would and on an emotional level they could possibly fall in love. (This is only a theory. I have no proof, only a strong belief)


It's kind of complicated how I mean but I hope got get the general idea.

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This is a lot of information for just a short about of time. From another thread I learned that my belated sexual attreaction isn't bad. Also, I'm a bit of a feminist. I like the look of the male body, but I also think men aren't the best people to have a relationship with. This is all so confusing. =p

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