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Where is he looking your eyes or your body?


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This is a funny question but what is the difference if I notice that the guy I crush on will make eye contact with me when I get lucky. He looks right into my eyes but I have never noticed him checking out my body, like his gaze always centers on my face. Does this mean he isn't into me sexually which is why he hasn't made a move yet or does it mean something else more positive, like respect and not wanting to make me uncomfortabel? BTW, I have a nice bod

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There is a saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. (No, not that sort of Soul!!). So if someone looks into your eyes it is more likely to show interest in you as a person than as a body. But there is no reason why he should not be interested in both.

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Yeah, but for the record, we still notice.


Of course - and most women would be offended if we did not. It's why women spend so much time and money on clothes, hair and make-up. It would be cruel not to notice for a second after all that effort. Downright cruel.

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Of course - and most women would be offended if we did not. It's why women spend so much time and money on clothes, hair and make-up. It would be cruel not to notice for a second after all that effort. Downright cruel.


LMAO. Yeah, I spend a lot of time perfecting my eyeliner and lip gloss so that I can elicit a nanosecond boob-scan from the guy next to me in line at the coffee shop. No really, DN--I appreciate that he's doing me a favor. Maybe I'll thank the next guy I catch doing it...purr a bit, and tell him that I'm SOOO appreciative of his attention.

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LMAO. Yeah, I spend a lot of time perfecting my eyeliner and lip gloss so that I can elicit a nanosecond boob-scan from the guy next to me in line at the coffee shop. No really, DN--I appreciate that he's doing me a favor. Maybe I'll thank the next guy I catch doing it...purr a bit, and tell him that I'm SOOO appreciative of his attention.


He'll be your slave for life

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As far as eye contact is concerned as a method for determining whether a guy likes you or not, it depends on whether he does that with everyone. Some people are just eye-contact-ish people, and it might be a mere formality. If he doesn't do that with other girls, then they probably have a good reason to be very envious of you.

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Eye contact is definitely a more possitive sign if your looking for a potentially long term relationship. It shows that he is interested and recpectful of you and not just attracted sexually. Sexual attraction can not ever keep a relationship together in the long term. I find it very offensive, disrespectful and not the least bit flattering when a woman is "checking out my body". It is much more flattering to have parents try to set me up with their daughters because I know that it is not because of pretentious reasons. I walk around with my shirt open sometimes when it is hot and look for the women who don't check out my body. Be careful that this guy isn't just using eye contact as a seduction technique but it sounds sounds like he is interested in you as a person and just being polite and respectful. I must dissagree with Anon Presense, I think that if he doesn't make eye contact with other women and looks at their breasts, butt, legs etc. than he is probably just trying to seduce you by making you think he likes you for you. If any guys out there want to learn to see beyond the physical form more I strongly suggest going to a strip club regularly. The first few woman you may not be able to help looking at their private parts but after that you will find yourself getting bored of their bodies and start just looking at their eyes. Be warned though I have had strippers get offended when they are dancing with their vagina in my face and I'm looking at their eyes. If you are going to just go there and look at the woman as pieces of meat it will be ineffective.

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I walk around with my shirt open sometimes when it is hot and look for the women who don't check out my body.


Yeah, I do that too. I don't understand why it doesn't work for me....(Kidding!)


petepete, what's wrong with being physically AND mentally attracted to someone?


If any guys out there want to learn to see beyond the physical form more I strongly suggest going to a strip club regularly. The first few woman you may not be able to help looking at their private parts but after that you will find yourself getting bored of their bodies and start just looking at their eyes.


Exposure therapy? I think most guys would have a hard time explaining this to their GFs. "No really, hon, I NEED to look at naked women so that I can learn to see BEYOND their physical form....OUCH, why are you hitting me???" I'm just teasing you, petepete. I think it's an interesting perspective. But does that mean that if you want to really appreciate a woman's intellect it's best to stop talking to her?

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just take a life drawing class, easier to explain to your gf.. you definitely start looking something else than the model's boobs, cos the art teacher will scream and shout to you saying "you did not pay attention to how her latissimus dorsi, rhomboid and trapezius work together.. and you drew sterno mastoid wrong too!!"

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You know for men who complain that women and "sparks" they really should pay more attention to looking deeply into a dates eyes than on their bodies or whatever else is around.


Every woman I've dated where she wanted to date me again, I always made sure I maintained excellent eye contact. And I'm just an average looking guy. Sure it's hard sometimes, especially if she's a knockout, but eye contact is a must.


Also, who wants some guy learing at them? It even creeps me out a bit when some woman checks me out that way too.

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petepete, what's wrong with being physically AND mentally attracted to someone?

It's not wrong to be physically and mentally attracted to someone but I am looking for someone to have children with a few years from now and if your looking for a long term relationship espescially where children are involved I believe physical attraction is irrevelant and should be ingnored to the best of ones ability. I want to look good for my soul mate but I don't think that the way to find her is to look around for who attracts me sexually and who is attracted to me sexually. It's not so much an issue of whats wrong but rather it is about what I feel is most right. Always willing to listen to other peoples opinions and what I feel is most right could change.


But does that mean that if you want to really appreciate a woman's intellect it's best to stop talking to her?


No, but you certainly need to stop looking at her physical form and stop thinking of her as a piece of meat.

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but I am looking for someone to have children with a few years from now and if your looking for a long term relationship espescially where children are involved I believe physical attraction is irrevelant and should be ingnored to the best of ones ability.


Oooola. I'm not at all convinced. I'm a lot more likely to have sex and reproduce if I'm turned on my the guy I'm with...and at least some part of being turned on is feeling some plain ol' raw physical attraction. This has little to do with 'classic good looks' and everything to do with feeling that magic spark. Part of the spark is physical. Granted, the spark can dwindle with somebody who just isn't right for me (some really attractive people sure turn out to be dull!), and can develop with somebody who didn't zap me right away but turned out to be fascinating. But in that case, the physical attraction develops over time...it doesn't "become irrelevant".


I get your main point that relying ONLY on an initial WOW factor isn't the most sensible way to choose a life partner, though. But that's kind of a straw man, anyway.


No, but you certainly need to stop looking at her physical form and stop thinking of her as a piece of meat.


Well, yeah. I agree. But if you're with somebody you already love and admire, a little admiration of his/her physicality isn't such a bad thing.

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