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Ever CHEATED on a test or report??

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I cheated on everything in school, heck even my senior paper was copied pasted and rewrote. I just always took topics way over the teachers head or something they couldn’t backtrack and find.


In school you can cheat on everything except the final test and the final in most classes only counts for a fraction of your grade so even if you can’t guess the write answers or use the answer © for every question and fail the test you’re not going to fail the class or have your overall grade lowered much.

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Eh, I used to cheat a little in my high school physics class. Other then that, I think of as cheating my own education when I do it. I actually enjoy my classes now that I'm in college so I have never cheated while in college. One, I don't want to kicked out for cheating on some silly quiz one day. Two, I want to get the most out of my education. Might as well get what I can out of all of the time I have to spend here. If I cheat, then I am just wasting time at this place and would almost be better off just finding a job somewhere.

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I cheated on a test to get into the department I currently work in...


I wasn't the only one who did it, but that doesn't excuse it...


We were looking through the shared network folders that all the info for various depts is kepts, open to everyone and came accross a test that we assumed was a sample or an old version of a test we'd be taking.


We practised the test, filling in answers from our own knowledge and looking others up online. We never expected we'd do the exact paper as one of our entrance exams.


In a way, getting into the department on false pretences has fuelled my desire to leave as it isn't what I'm truly interested in, even though I'm more than capable of the job.

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Oh yes... ugh, anatomy class, senior year. Every single test, I cheated. The teacher made it way too easy - the study guides were exactly like the tests, so I just had to... whoa, nevermind. (And don't worry, I'm not a doctor now or anything. )


Although... the grades I got in anatomy were definitely not rewarding! I had a steady C- all through chemistry class and worked my tail off to get it (I was woefully mentally deficient in science), and that C- was rewarding, because at least I wasn't failing, and I worked hard.


Cheating's nothing to be proud of, that's for sure. And the grades obtained through cheating are not yours, so they're nothing to be proud of.

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