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need advice for tonight!

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Thanks for your advice, everyone. All of you rock.


Yeah, Annie seems like a keeper. I think any guy would be lucky to have her.


What a flake! Philly, I'm sorry you had to deal with this stupidity, but it was really fun watching your story unfold from out here in Seattle. Thanks for giving us the play by play. Somebody earlier said you have your head screwed on tight...I agree. Well done.


Psst: I'd follow up with Annie if I were you. She seems like she's worth the price of a few drinks.

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I am glad you put her in her place!


It makes it easier to put my own stories in perspective also. When you see someone else post something similar to things that happen to you, it is easier to realize the "right" things to do in your own situation!!

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This girl is something. She came on about an hour ago and started IMing me. She was like, "oh sorry about today...the time change through me off. I said, "that makes no sense...sorry but nice try." She starts talking to me about her day, what she did, blah, blah. THEN, she starts asking me what I'm doing tonight.


Right...desperate, stupid, or both?

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Well... I forgot about the time change at one point today.. I went to a store and my car radio said it was 6:01pm... I went and I tried opening the door (said closes at 7:00pm).. I was like... "What the heck!!"... it wouldn't open... and then I started complaining to myself all confused... until, I realized about the DST!.. haha


Anyway, if you don't want to have anything to do with her, delete and block her....Otherwise, if you want to still give her a "chance" for the sake of having tried, well, do that...

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She is that clueless. Very flakey! Even with the time change, it still when have been too late for you both to go to lunch. Man, she is probably used to getting her way and having people buy her bull*&^%%. Not you Phily, you are way to sharp for that nonsense. Next!

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