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need advice for tonight!

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rrr we were supposed to meet up for lunch. I told her I would call her mid morning. I txted her around 9 something, heard nothing, so then rang her an hour ago and still nothing.


Watch I make other plans and she calls me last minute and says so what are we doing?

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Again, I think she is displaying little common sense. The first time you meet someone over the internet, it should be in a restaurant or coffee shop -- in public!!!!! If she is inviting a strange man to her apartment, I think she's really not the "sharpest knife in the drawer."

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I think she's showing her true colors. I had a kind of similar situation a few times with men I was supposed to meet off the internet from dating sites.


Mun, one of the royal members, said to me, "Annie - that's the thing about this - you are posting about a guy you haven't even met!!!" (it's a really really bad sign if you haven't even met and they're already causing you problems!!!)

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Yeah, I don't know what her deal is. I feel that she's disrespecting me, and that's not going to go anywhere if she's like this early on. Knowing what we discussed last night about meeting up for lunch, I made sure to get up, go to the gym, do my thing and be ready to go...Not even sure what I'm going to say if she eventually calls. Maybe she's just playing make the guy wait?


I've just been avoiding getting dressed up or whatever since I don't want to get all handsome for nothing.



I think she's showing her true colors. I had a kind of similar situation a few times with men I was supposed to meet off the internet from dating sites.


Mun, one of the royal members, said to me, "Annie - that's the thing about this - you are posting about a guy you haven't even met!!!" (it's a really really bad sign if you haven't even met and they're already causing you problems!!!)

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Well, did you two make concrete plans? like, 1 PM at xxxx for lunch??? If so, I don't know.... maybe she's getting ready???


If I were in your shoes, I would just wait until a time you feel comfortable (maybe even now!) and just call her and say, "well, since I haven't heard back from you, I am assuming our plans are off. I don't think this is going to work out. bye."


but... that's just me.

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I txted around 9:45 and called around 11:15. I think that's enough of that. We didn't agree on a specific time, but just that we would meet for lunch and I would call her mid-morning to see what's up, so maybe I'm being too demanding.


....and look who just popped online...


ball is in her court. If not, I really wouldn't mind just reading and working on my car today. I haven't washed it in months and it needs some work done.



Well, did you two make concrete plans? like, 1 PM at xxxx for lunch??? If so, I don't know.... maybe she's getting ready???


If I were in your shoes, I would just wait until a time you feel comfortable (maybe even now!) and just call her and say, "well, since I haven't heard back from you, I am assuming our plans are off. I don't think this is going to work out. bye."


but... that's just me.

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So she just calls me (2:20) and when I pick up she says, "I'm ready!" * * *. I could have almost laughed out loud it was so stupid. I was like where have you been. We talked about lunch time. She just says, "I'm awake now and ready to go." I was half-awake (took a nap), still groggy, and kind unpleasant so I put it to her straight. I just said look if you are serious about getting to know me I'm not sure why you keep blowing past things we set up. I said I keep trying to get together with you and I don't like people wasting my time, so call me if you are every really interested. bye..and I just hung up.

Hun you sound like you have your head screwed on tight, unless this girl..


sorry I haven't read all the posts, but ... maybe you should cancel this one .. or else, go once and never again. I'm not too convinced you'll have a great time anyways, you may even end up broke after

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man that is lame. i would think with a job and living on her own she could buy her own if it means that much to her.


people are strange. why bother doing the online dating thing and putting up an ad, etc if you don't even want to go out?




I am very proud of you!!!! I'm glad you told her off. She's lame. 2:20 PM lunch? ugggg....


forget about her. I think you just saved yourself a lot of money on alcohol she would have tried to make you buy for her!

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Again - it will be interesting to hear what she says if she calls back. And what you say in response.


Let me ask you this- if she were to want a serious 'date' with no nonsense - would you still be interested.

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probably not - she had her chance. I'm not interested in experiments with this girl anymore. It would be nice to meet someone real with substance for once.


Again - it will be interesting to hear what she says if she calls back. And what you say in response.


Let me ask you this- if she were to want a serious 'date' with no nonsense - would you still be interested.

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What a flake! Philly, I'm sorry you had to deal with this stupidity, but it was really fun watching your story unfold from out here in Seattle. Thanks for giving us the play by play. Somebody earlier said you have your head screwed on tight...I agree. Well done.


Psst: I'd follow up with Annie if I were you. She seems like she's worth the price of a few drinks.

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