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I'm a guy..should I go to a salsa dance class by myself?


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I am there to learn salsa, yet a part of me feels that I should take one of my lady friend's along with me. I don't want the girls in the class to think that I'm alone and also that I'm looking for women to date in the future if I go by myself. Maybe that idea sounds stupid..


What do you guys and gals think?

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...generally men are outnumbered in dance classes anyway so you'll probably find a few to dance with...

Except Lindyhop (sp?) apparently. A dude I know signed up for classes and said that this was the first time they had more men then women.


I also kicked around taking dance lessons to meet girls, but right now work is so crazy that I dont have the time.

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My parents and sister are all pretty big into ballroom & latin dancing....my sister has been doing it since she was about 13 or so. I did for a couple years.


And my mother has a hard time keeping other women off my stepfather - when it comes to dancing that is. Women love a good dancer, with a good lead, and they clamour to partner up with him.

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I think it shouldn't really matter if you go with a girl or not. I've been taking salsa lessons for the past year and a half and can see no real difference if you go with a girl or not. Everyone else is correct in saying that, generally, there are more women that go than men.


Most of the things you learn in the beginning of the class is basic steps, which don't really require partners. If the instructor is good, s/he will have you rotate partners so that everyone gets used to dancing with everyone else (no girl gets used to a man's particular lead), which helps you learn the steps really well and has you meet everyone and get to know them.


Just consistently go to classes and practice outside of classes. The more you learn and the better you get, you'll find that many girls would probably go out of their way to be your partner. I strongly suggest you make sure and go out to the clubs and dance there. It doesn't matter if you're still a beginner as most girls will be happy to dance with everyone.


Just go and have fun with it and I hope you find salsa as enjoyable and rewarding as I found it to be.

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