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In a nutshell, why do we fall in love?

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What's the biggest mistake people make when it comes to love ?


Thinking that



having sex make(s) people fall in love...


And I would also add that another mistake is mistaking obsession or an unhealthy dependency or unhealthy (ie abusive, unfaithful, etc) relationship as love. I think people too often excuse things because of love, that really should not be excused.


Real love does not intentionally hurt - there will be painful times for both of you, but real love does not have one hurting the other continously, and intentionally.




You can't force love, but I think if you love yourself, are confident in whom you are, and open to love but not desperate to settle for anyone, you are more likely to find 'true love'.

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Love is either there or it isnt..like RayKay said it is something you cannot force to happen.

you just have to have a possitive attitude,show confidance,and let your really great inner qualities shine through.




What's the biggest mistake people make when it comes to love ?


staying in a unhealthy situation because you love someone and hope they willl change.


putting all your eggs in one basket and believing they are the end all and the be all.


that you will die if they are not in your life.



having sex make(s) people fall in love...




not really but it can create a bond and sometimes yes I guess in some casees it can turn into love.but sex without love for me anyhow is just empty and your just forfilling a primitave animalistic need.without love it basically is lousy(for me)

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Mikeoutthere, your questions are quite interesting and touch on what most people are expecting/want out of love. In regards to your first question about making someone fall for us, I dont think there really is something you can do to make someone like/love you. Love/attraction is something that is unpredictable and sometimes happens when you dont expect it to. You can want to be attracted to someone or want someone to be attracted to you and it doesnt happen. Feelings are elusive and they can change. That is why it isnt usually good to base all of your love on feelings. As for making someone fall for you, you can play some games, like play hard to get, etc. but this cant keep a person in love with you. It can make them intrigued with you for a while but there must be more substance than just games to keep a person in love with you.


Your second question about if sex makes people fall in love, no, it doesnt. Sex makes people get attached to one another and can create the illusion of love but it doesnt make people love each other. It can create an unhealthy dependence or an addiction to a person, but that is not love.


Your third question about the biggest mistake people make when it comes to falling in love can be explained in a lot of ways. When people fall in love, sometimes they put all their eggs in one basket and expect the object of their love to be the "be all and end all" of their lives. That is not a healthy way to live and creates dependence, not love. To have a healthy love relationship each person should have their own lives too. Also people, when they are in love, they have a tendency to try to do everything to make the relationship work out without really looking at the realationship to see if the partner is truly compatible and right for them. People in love have a tendency to ignore the red flags that might be telling them that the relationship is not right for them.

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Despite the blatant cynicism, love certainly does exist, even if relatively few every find it.



It has to be real. But I don't think the kids I have seen deal with it, are capable of finding it--they anticipate one thing, and, of course, the result is the ever-poular accusation that love is a mockery. If they would learn to get out of their own boxes they do lock themselves away in, "get out of their own way," perhaps they would see.

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Is there anything we can do to make someone fall for us ?...

Hypnotism & magic potions


Does having sex make people fall in love ?

People seem to think that but they are wrong.


What's the biggest mistake people make when it comes to love ?

Confusing it with lust, obsession and a bunch of other feelings that disguise themselves as love. Blaming love for mistakes that are their own fault.


But RayKay said it best.

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It's supposed to; we were designed that way.


Love at first sight? Unlikely, but you could still meet someone and know it's the right person for you. But that's not really love, more like intuition. And there is definitely a thing called 'lust at first sight', but that is hardly what I'd consider true love.

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Well my parents met at first sight, it was a blind date. But those are rare cases. Off course there is such a thing as falling in love, in which we all turn crazy (based on a study, it was on national geographic), still haven't fallen in love yet, but ok guess I'm still young and will eventually just hope it gets there before I turn 25. After that, I dunno, I'll kinda freak out a bit, cuz then it would be weird to be a 25-30 year old virgin who never fell in love.

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