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Very quick one!!!!


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Your bf/gf has asked very specificly if you cheated on anyone. To answer no is misleading and giving them a false inpression of yourself. I would ask them why they want to know. Tell them now that you have with the follow up of your actions taken to change yourself to ensure it doesn't happen again. If you have already told they no, bring it back up again and set the record straight. They will be more willing to understand your sensitivity about it if you come forward with it volentarily. Again, emphasize steps taken on your part to ensure it won't happen again. It sounds like they are someone who has already been cheated on and it is a very important subject to them. To lie about it says you don't care enough about them to be honest with them in which case you just lost them anyway. You both need to sit down and talk about what there is of concern and figure out what you need to do for them that will make them comfortable with knowing you won't do that with them. If you can't do what is asked of you then you need to end the relationship and find someone more suited to your current lifestyle.

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Either be honest.


or Lie.


Or tell her that you think past relationship details, cheating, how many partners have you had etc. are the past and you dont want to discuss them. But you will not cheat on her... so dont worry.

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