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do guys just plain see girls as real life barbie dolls?


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A lot People are ego selfcentered. That's a problem on both female and male side. Are you with a bf because you want to make him happy ,or so you could be happy yourself? Or both? Well a lot of people are one sided, and see the partner as a mere sex toy. But its also how you present yourself, if you open yourself up to a guy just to spread your legs and have sex, then yes you might very well end up like a sex barbie doll toy as you describe it.


Its a form of immaturity that happens on both sides.


What you really need is a guy with a future who REALLY loves you. You can see if a guy wants you only for sex or not. If your with a guy you can say 'i only want sex after marriage' if he isn't willing to wait he just wants you for sex, if he does want to wait he really loves you.


And no , guys don't only see girls as sex toys , but be wary for those who do tho. When your young and unexperienced, people often would walse over you and have sex, then when fun time is over leave you pregnant. Then you have to have a baby while that guy is screwing another girl somewhere else and got her into bed with make believe stories.


its very easy to say ' i love you ' , to prove that into practise is something very different. SO make sure a guy cares for you. Like girls we can fall in love too, and when that really happens its something beautifull. If love goes both ways then , a guy would definitly NOT see you as a mere barbie doll or a mere sex toy. Reall love don't happen that much tho. And a long term relationship requires a continues investment from both sides.

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There are some who, no doubt, do. Just like there are some gals who see men as "a walking wallet & sperm donor." (The quote is from my husband).


Those are the guys (and gals) to avoid becoming involved with. They're not worth your time.


There are also guys who will treat you with respect, compassion, kindness and love. They may be harder to find, but they are worth waiting for and they are definitely worth your time.

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i was just wondering if guys only see females as sex toys or real life barbie dolls or maids.



The majority of men I have come accross do not think this way (thankfully!)


Those that do are not worth a second of your time, and you can usually pick them out right away if their behavior is just as primitive and immature as their thought process.



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Unfortunately.......i'd have to disagree....some (even most) guys do see girls as x-rated barbie dolls. But that's only beacue they act like it.

Say, you're a guy. you barely call a girl maybe she only calls you. But however it goes, you end up on the phone, and you invite her to your place...You have sex...don't call for days...maybe weeks...and when you do it's the same thing again... Pretty soon you're gonna start to see this girl as one you can use for sex...she obviously likes it...and she's even started inviting herself over...

It's sad to say...but if guys experience this on more than one occasion they start to expect it...I'm not saying you should only blame the girls, but...I mean c'mon ladies stop being 1(900)-horney

And guy's we're girls that you call....not CALL GIRLS!!!

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It happens, some men certainly do. I have been around my fair share of men whom see women as purely objects and conquests. Then again I have also been around my fair share of women whom see men in much the same way, albeit often for different reason.


However, in my experience the majority see women as individual beings, deserving of respect, love, and wanting from those women not just a sex toy or maid - but as partners, confidantes, friends, lovers. I think it all comes down to character, values and a persons own experience and frame of reference.

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I think age has something to do with it as well.


Such an attitude may be more likely (but certainly not link removed) the younger the guy is.


I've noticed that people, in general, get kinder and more compassionate as they get older. Probably due to getting knocked around by life a bit.

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I think age has something to do with it as well.


Such an attitude may be more likely (but certainly not link removed) the younger the guy is.


I've noticed that people, in general, get kinder and more compassionate as they get older. Probably due to getting knocked around by life a bit.


True enough. I used to be a complete jerk about women when I was younger, treated them like objects instead of people.


I wish my current self could go back in time to smack some sense into my younger self. I wouldn't have lost the one woman to say she'd marry me then.

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Just depends on the woman. If she is a self respecting individual, who also deserves your respect, than NO, men do not see her as a barbie doll.


If she is a flamboyant tease, and carries her promoscuity to a whole other level, than perhaps she is a barbie doll, and deserves to be treated that way.


The important thing to learn here (with both sexes): respect is EARNED.

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i was just wondering if guys only see females as sex toys or real life barbie dolls or maids.



Absolutely not. I value and respect women as the pinnacle and last (and thereforeeee, best) of God's creation. I can't say I don't appreciate the various aspects of the female physique, but that doesn't devalue their intrinsic worth as a human being, worthy of love, respect and admiration.

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Sorry, but some people show respect even to strangers without leaving a meter running. I do.


And Im sorry. I dont dis-respect strangers I meet. But I respect is earned. There is much one can guage from just looking at someone for the first time. Body language, appearance, attitude, etc.

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I personally was never into Ken, for one he has perma-undies that are flesh colored, how tacky what ever happened to purple silk boxers? And secondly any guy that buff spends more time at the gym than he's willing to spend with you.


The only thing I ever really like about Barbie and all her cool stuff, was the sound all those little shoes make when they get sucked into the vacuum cleaner.


Legos Rock!

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  • 2 months later...

There are some men that do see girls that way and I am sure there are girls that see men as Ken so its not really one sided. But quite frankly if you don't dress like barbie then less guys will see you like her.

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