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A List to make MEN more successful!! A Good Read.


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So have you chosen the ideal woman to mate with as an alpha male and produce genetically excellent offspring?


You cant take those terms seriously on a scientific basis, its just a different way to treat yourself and different attitude to posess while in the field, and it really helps. Personally I used to have very little success with women, from grade 9 till the almost the end of highschool I only had one girlfriend. This was because I was nervous, shy, not very confident in myself etc, it was only after going through the teachings by a pick up artist known as 'dommeh' that all this completely changed (now EROS ENTERPRISE), in fact turned out I was amazing at picking up women, I have even pioneered some of my own methods, for example I discovered a variation of 'soul gazing' that enables you to pick up women without even saying one word, I have even wrote my own e-books for EROS. So you can make fun of it if you want, but the fact is it works, and it works well..


...I just need to start practicing it. lol


practising is so key

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Oh I am going to have fun with this one.


In my experience, and through observation, women tend to be attracted to assertive MEN. Here is a list of things that I believe will help generate more success for men when it comes to their counterparts. I found it in an article I read. I sware this works. You just have to be sexually confident with yourself.
I semi agree that you have to be sexually confident, but just becuase your sexually confident does not make you confident all around. Being confident in who you are is a lot more attractive than being sexually confident.




And just what determines sexual confidence? Sexually confident men since we are taking the sexual confident route I will follow suit here.



- Are challenges, not feet-kissing doormats
I agree with this one, but being to much of a challenge is a turn off unless the girl wants to put up with the challenge. Some girls are like that.


- Don't make excuses for who they are -- they exude sexuality and they're comfortable with their natural masculinity
I agree with this as well as making excueses may be a sign of weakness which tends not to be a good thing in general. But it does show that you are human tho.


- Assume that they're "the catch," not the woman
I disagree. Assuming your "the catch" is macho and only feeds your ego. I will admit that I act macho but I will never assume that I am a "catch", I will let others decide that one.


- Are unpredictable, untamed and can't be tied down
And won't get married. Some girls may see this as signs saying that the guy may cheat on here.


- Aren't afraid of being who they are
I have to agree with this one. This goes for both girls and guys.


- Have no interest in being PC, morphing their true selves to gain female approval, or being overly nice
I agree as it shows signs of weakness, but being overly nice can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how, why, and when it is done. For example doing vounleteer work because you want even tho you know that the type of vounleteer work will get you high scores with females.


- Don't have to trade money or gifts for sex (a.k.a. "dating")
Lets also add "doesn't put out easy" Meaning like girls who are easy the same is for guys.


- Always control the relationship
I disagree. No one likes someone controling them. Do this for to long and the girl goes bye bye or cheats.


- Never tolerate any female BS
Lets add to this "and have a dam quick relationship with the girl." Girls have to put up with guy BS so its only fair to keep the relationship to put up with the girl bs. Besides letting a girl let it all out on you tends to do more good for her and you in the long run then not having any of it.


- Radiate sexually-charged body language
Got nothing to say as this would be a must if your going the sexually confident route.


- Flirt easily and well
Ditto from above.


- Are natural leaders, not followers
You forgot about those who follow no one and lead no one, meaning they do their own thing. Girls are also very attractive to this as well.


- Unabashedly look at women's bodies
Do it in a non respectable way and have a nice time getting the girl or keeping your current girl friend. There are girls out there that are not fine with their boyfriends looking at other girls, yes this may seem that they have security issuses but it is somewhat also a cutural thing as well. For me personally any girl I date I tell them that I have no problem with them quicklly checking out some hot guy just as long they do nothing more than that and I will do the same. May this lead to cheating maybe, but if I am not happy in the relationship then I will get out before I cheat.


- Don't care if they score with a particular woman, because they know that there are many others waiting in line. They want sex, but they don't need it
So when I go to a bar and expresse my sexual confidence and do all the things here I will have a line of girls waiting for me. That is way to funny. Any girl that has a brain will not wait for some guy to become single she like any guy will be shopping for a partner, not wait in line.


- they aren't desperate and groveling for it
I am assuming sex here since that has been the route so far, which so far for the most part in my view has been the course. You could have just said "They are not easy when it comes to sex" , it is more simple and more direct. ;P


- Are not constantly available
I agree with this one a lot. If any guy or girl is available to much it is a turn off. But being barely available, unless your life is that way, tends to be not that attractice either.


- Never apologize for who they are
Uh didn't we already covered this one with making excuses for who they are?


- Act like men around women, not wusses.
So let me get this straight, around women be a man, but not around women be everything else but a man. Sorry I saw a flaw of logic, lol. There are times that men need to be a wusses, like when your own life is on the line. Yes it may be a sign of weakness, but there is a time and place for weakness.


The exact opposite is listed here: Many men fall prey to these problems.
Oh yea! Now we get to the other side, even tho we somewhat covered it in the first part.



- Seek approval from women
There are girls that seek approval from men, so its a two way street.


- Cater or pander to women
Maybe you should come to where I live. The girls here almost expect to be taking care off here. It makes me sick actually.


- Are predictable and boring
I agree and it is also the same with girls as well.


- Call women every day or worse, many times a day (clingy, needy)
I agree with this one as well, but what it is funny it is almost acceptable for a girl to call the guy more than once a day. For me calling a girl more than every 3 days is to much.


- Try to buy their time and attention with meals, gifts, etc.
Like I said before where I live girls almost expect this and if your rich they expect more than what they currently expect.


- Are nervous, insecure or overly nice around women
Being nervous around women is not a bad thing. I bet even the most confident guy out there gets nervous when he sees a girl that has him head over heels for. The other two I agree with. But all three also go for women, but besides the insecure part no one looks down on women for these things.


- Act like women's friends instead of their lovers
I most agree, but depends on the context of the relationship and how they met.


- Are available at the drop of a hat
Uh didn't we covered the being to available already?


- Tolerate without protest rude behavior, cancelled dates, etc.
I am na and ya on this. There are ligit reasons to cancelling dates, and having rude behvior. Now tolerting rude behavior and having dates cancelled for long peroids of time is somthing else. But the one time ordeal isn't much of a fault and it is just apart of life.


- Go out of their way to please women in the hope of getting laid
Uh I this makes number 3 on being easy.


- Let women control the relationship
Neither party should have direct control over the relationship. Yes there are times in a relationship that one partner does have control, but it should not be permament.


- Are afraid that if they do "something wrong," she'll leave
And the same goes for girls as well. Its a understandable fear. Now trying to do everything right and correct can do the same thing.


- Grovel, beg, or are desperate for sex
Dam dude what is with you and rewording "being easy". This makes number 4.


- Obsess about and over-analyze everything women say and do
I agree 100% on this one. A lot of guys do this and more often than not it hurts them in getting the girl.


- Feel shameful or guilty about their natural sexuality
I never have ran into a guy who was like this.


- Let women manipulate them or treat them like "walking wallets"
Again come where I live and you see it right in front of you. There is a reason why I drive a $13,000 car even tho I could afford a $20,000 and never show off my money like so many guys do. But what is interesting in this one is that it becomes a mind game where the guy "resists" the girls manipulation, while the girl tries to manipluate him.


- Are lousy lovers
Agree, but there are guys out there have trouble with such things becuase of whom they are and what happen in their past tho.


I believe you forgot to add one to this section:


"Show off what and/or whom they know"


I see so many guys do this to get girls. The guy seems to do more work on making sure the girl does not get his money while the girl usually makes him spend it on her. Its quite funny actually.


What I found the most interesting is that the second half, the part where many men fall into is almost exactlty what many girls do as well. But as you may have been able to tell, I won't be following these things anytime soon becuase I don't take the sexually confident route, I don't need to. I am who am no less no more. If a girl does not like what she sees then I move on to the next one, as they say there are plenty of fish in the sea.

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- Always control the relationship


I disagree. No one likes someone controling them. Do this for to long and the girl goes bye bye or cheats.


It's not about controlling her, it's about being in control of the direction and events of the relationship without being bossy.


I agree as it shows signs of weakness, but being overly nice can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how, why, and when it is done. For example doing vounleteer work because you want even tho you know that the type of vounleteer work will get you high scores with females.


I think he was reffering to overly nice to the girl. You're right here, the example you showed is attractive, but that's about showing concern for others, an AMOG characteristic, being overly nice to a woman you're trying to pick up will ruin your chances.


I am na and ya on this. There are ligit reasons to cancelling dates, and having rude behvior. Now tolerting rude behavior and having dates cancelled for long peroids of time is somthing else. But the one time ordeal isn't much of a fault and it is just apart of life.


In order to stay in control of the relationship you need to not encourage poor behaviour. If you tolerate her being rude to you or cancelling on you for poor reasons, you send the message that this is ok.


I don't take the sexually confident route, I don't need to. I am who am no less no more. If a girl does not like what she sees then I move on to the next one, as they say there are plenty of fish in the sea.


That is confidence , I think 'sexual' confidence was the wrong word for camguy to use, confidence is extremely attractive to girls however.

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I think to write actual lists of do's and dont's like this is not worth it. First off, right away your giving female's reading this a description of a man that doesn't fully exist, cause this list is so one sided. The best and the worst sides of male traits. Ask yourself, would you want, say your girlfriend/wife or just a girl you actually liked to read that list you wrote? Heck no. It's lists like these, and I've seen them everywhere on the internet, from guys who write that to obviously learn for themseves.

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My question is what magazine was this in? FHM, MAXIM??? I agree a man should be confident but not an * * * or think he is the most superior being. That would go the same way with women who wants a stuck up snobby woman?


A snobby woman is bad, but a controlling/domineering/bossy woman is worse. I can't think of anything worse, IMO.

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My question is whats your definition of success? Having sex with as many warm bodies as possible or becoming involved in a long term relationship?


If you want to subvert someone and use manipulation this sounds like a great list. But for men serious about being with someone who will care and love them in return for their care and love, then this list has many flaws. Most women will see a man acting like this as a player, not a worth while mate or partner. Most of the "tips" sound very ego-centric and seem like more a front than an actual true show of self confidence. Men don't need seethe sex or treat women like just another number, thats a good way of showing how little respect you have for them. But then again if you think banging your chest and marking your territory as an "alpha male" is the proper way to win the girls go right ahead, but just remember urinating in public is usually worth a night in jail.

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but just remember urinating in public is usually worth a night in jail.


He he he, but at least it makes for a good story!


I guess the question I'd like to pose to get a better understanding for myself of this whole "alphaness"(male of female) is to look at female "alphaness".


For the ladies, why do so many of you wear make up? Now I am not talking about bright blue eye shadow from the 80s (yup showing my age), but any kind of make up? And why do many of you spend time going over and over in the mirror adjusting your clothes etc.?


For the guys, how many of you who have been in a relationship have had the following sccenario?


You are going out somewhere for the evening, mixed crowd, you stand at the door waiting for your girl to finish getting "ready". You reassure her that she looks good (fine, attractive,beautiful). But it falls on deaf ears. Its just something she must do? I am not talking about spending all day doing it (thats vanity), but generally you are finished and ready to go while she is still attending to the fine details?



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So as an artist what is that you do that displays "I am an artist". Just curious.

I'm not an over the top artist, my art is more about finding beauty in everything, mostly nature(my avatar is one of my paintings). I love color, my clothing reflects that, I have lots of bright warm colors, especially magenta or rose and I have a pair of red shoes that I wear all the time.

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I'm not an over the top artist, my art is more about finding beauty in everything, mostly nature(my avatar is one of my paintings). I love color, my clothing reflects that, I have lots of bright warm colors, especially magenta or rose and I have a pair of red shoes that I wear all the time.


So looks do matter to you then.

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It's not about controlling her, it's about being in control of the direction and events of the relationship without being bossy.
I more perfer that the relationship itself take control of the direction of the relationship, it makes things more interesting, but what you said does make sense and a lot of girls like this, and its something I have no problem with actually.


I think he was reffering to overly nice to the girl. You're right here, the example you showed is attractive, but that's about showing concern for others, an AMOG characteristic, being overly nice to a woman you're trying to pick up will ruin your chances.
You have a point there and it is something I agree with. But I have no clue what AMOG stands for, but if it is a term that belong with players I will pass, I am no player even tho a lot of guys have called me one.


In order to stay in control of the relationship you need to not encourage poor behaviour. If you tolerate her being rude to you or cancelling on you for poor reasons, you send the message that this is ok.
I am going to play the female card here and reverse what you said. Is it alright for the guy to have rude behavior as well? If the guy has control of the relationship it allows him to have rude behavior while his girl friend can not. Yes this may lead the girl leaving, butyou get into where the girl puts up with the behavior to be in the relationship. But in reality everyone gets rude every once awhile. So going back to what I said before, unless it is a one time thing why do anything about it. If she starts doing it more and more then the guy should put his foot down and say that he won't put up with the behavior and if she contunies then the guy should leave the girl on the spot. Mean yes, but it gets the point accross and he can find a girl that will treat him better.



That is confidence , I think 'sexual' confidence was the wrong word for camguy to use, confidence is extremely attractive to girls however.
Camguy used the right word. If he was using confindence then there will be a lot less sexual things in the list. Confidence is sexy within it self which gets express by being confident, camguy was saying to express sexyness in a confident manner hence sexual confidence. I am very very very aware of the fact that girls are very attracted to confidence. I learned that a long time ago.
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