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A List to make MEN more successful!! A Good Read.


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In my experience, and through observation, women tend to be attracted to assertive MEN. Here is a list of things that I believe will help generate more success for men when it comes to their counterparts. I found it in an article I read. I sware this works. You just have to be sexually confident with yourself.


And just what determines sexual confidence? Sexually confident men:



- Are challenges, not feet-kissing doormats

- Don't make excuses for who they are -- they exude sexuality and they're

comfortable with their natural masculinity

- Assume that they're "the catch," not the woman

- Are unpredictable, untamed and can't be tied down

- Aren't afraid of being who they are

- Have no interest in being PC, morphing their true selves to gain female

approval, or being overly nice

- Don't have to trade money or gifts for sex (a.k.a. "dating")

- Always control the relationship

- Never tolerate any female BS

- Radiate sexually-charged body language

- Flirt easily and well

- Are natural leaders, not followers

- Unabashedly look at women's bodies

- Don't care if they score with a particular woman, because they know that

there are many others waiting in line. They want sex, but they don't need

it -- they aren't desperate and groveling for it

- Are not constantly available

- Never apologize for who they are

- Act like men around women, not wusses.


The exact opposite is listed here: Many men fall prey to these problems.



- Seek approval from women

- Cater or pander to women

- Are predictable and boring

- Call women every day or worse, many times a day (clingy, needy)

- Try to buy their time and attention with meals, gifts, etc.

- Are nervous, insecure or overly nice around women

- Act like women's friends instead of their lovers

- Are available at the drop of a hat

- Tolerate without protest rude behavior, cancelled dates, etc.

- Go out of their way to please women in the hope of getting laid

- Let women control the relationship

- Are afraid that if they do "something wrong," she'll leave

- Grovel, beg, or are desperate for sex

- Obsess about and over-analyze everything women say and do

- Feel shameful or guilty about their natural sexuality

- Let women manipulate them or treat them like "walking wallets"

- Are lousy lovers

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My life revolves mainly around not giving a s*** and yet I'm strangely single. I think there's a fine line you have to learn to walk. A very fine line.



Ahh, that's a great feeling of confidence, to just not give a crap. I've been doing that for a while, but still single.


Great advice, btw.

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I like the idea of the first guy, but his conceit and self-absorbing attitude would probably have me pushing him aside for a guy who was a bit more down-to-earth. Yes, women like confidence, courage, and edginess, but a guy who's head is bigger than a prize-winning watermelon would be much more of a bore than anything. Nobody is THAT special.

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My life revolves mainly around not giving a s*** and yet I'm strangely single. I think there's a fine line you have to learn to walk. A very fine line.


Well not entirely giving a * * * * about anything, and not givng a * * * * what others think is a little different. You still have to be a man of integrity. What I am trying to convey here is that you should be confident with who you are, and not apologize for who you are. Dont seek approval from others, only seek approval from yourself. If you are a decent human being, and have morals, than you know what is acceptable and what isnt. Some people will like you for who you are, others will not. Thats just life. No point in trying to please everybody.

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I like the idea of the first guy, but his conceit and self-absorbing attitude would probably have me pushing him aside for a guy who was a bit more down-to-earth. Yes, women like confidence, courage, and edginess, but a guy who's head is bigger than a prize-winning watermelon would be much more of a bore than anything. Nobody is THAT special.


This isnt about being ego-centric, or self absorbed. it is about being comfortable with yourself. And allowing the partner you are with to know everything about you, so you can gain that intimacy, without freaking out that your partner may discover something she doesnt like.


Its always much better for men to accept all aspects of one's self. An integrated man is able to embrace everything that makes him unique: his power, his assertiveness, his courage, and his passion as well as his imperfections, his mistakes, and his dark side.


But if he tried to hide all his flaws, and disguise who he is because he is worried his partner will not accept him, it causes huge problems.

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Yes, you're right, women love confidence, among with many other characteristics, we call these AMOG characteristics in the PUA (Pick-up artist) world. Some more of those characterisics are:


Humour: used with confidence makes it so that girls dont just see you as a cocky guy, if your cocky and funny, they cancel eachother out on negative aspects (jerks, clowns) but compliment eachother on positive aspects (Funny, kind, confident).


Concern for others: Girls like a guy who is sensative and has a genuine concern for others. This doesn't mean clamoring all over her or being overly nice towards her, but rather things like holding the door, helping someone out of the goodness of your heart for whatever reason, etc.


Dominance – Not being intimidated by other guys, indirectly intimidating other guys without appearing violent or threatening. Being in control, but not being bossy.


Self-Grooming – This means being well dressed, fixing your hair, smelling good, having clean teeth, basically taking care of yourself..


btw camguy is totally on the right track, good advice.


Good luck!

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I think members may be having some problems with some of the points listed below,


- Always control the relationship

- Never tolerate any female BS


- Unabashedly look at women's bodies


These are not particularly attractive behaviours. I know you took these points from an article you read so my advice would be that you be a bit selective about which behaviours you adopt. The general tone of this sort of advice is that the man is in charge. In Australia we call it "blokiness" and it is generally considered an unattractive trait. I think nowadays most people, male or female, are looking for a partnership rather that a fiefdom.

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These might be useful ways to score, but I can only guess how well this would work in a relationship or even (gasp!) marriage.


This stuff seems lifted from a Tom Leykis monologue. He's a rich man from his LA talk show.

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Yes, you're right, women love confidence, among with many other characteristics, we call these AMOG characteristics in the PUA (Pick-up artist) world.


Sorry if I'm slow, but what does AMOG stand for? I can think of several possibilities.

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I think members may be having some problems with some of the points listed below,






These are not particularly attractive behaviours. I know you took these points from an article you read so my advice would be that you be a bit selective about which behaviours you adopt. The general tone of this sort of advice is that the man is in charge. In Australia we call it "blokiness" and it is generally considered an unattractive trait. I think nowadays most people, male or female, are looking for a partnership rather that a fiefdom.


True, I got these points from an article, but in all honesty....this works well. I am not saying that its ok for men to sit and GAWK for hours at a womans body, which is indeed "creepy". But What I do agree with is that you shouldnt shy away from appreciating the sight of a beautiful woman. We are Men, it's what we do.


Not to mention, women tend to try awfully hard to get noticed (at least here in america), all i am doing is reassuring them that its working.

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I think you make some good points, as well as some that I don't agree with. I don't dominate or control my relationship, but if my fiancee tells me some guy flirted with her at work, then I make sure he doesn't do it again. I am confident in myself, but I would never think of flirting or staring at other women. In a committed relationship, some of those points have to go out the window. Some "female BS" has to be tolerated, as well as "male BS". A relationship can't be dictated or controlled by one person. I take control of the work, finances, car repairs, etc. My fiancee takes charge of cleaning, her job, school, and raising a kid (in the near future). What I respect about you is that you post what you think and defend it, and I'm sure you know that some of those points will draw alot criticism and sarcasm, which is abundant here, especially for a differing viewpoint.

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I agree to most of what you say Tyler. However, married or not, or simply just dating, I find nothing wrong with admiring a beautiful woman if you happen to see one passing by. We may be married or in a relationship, but we arent dead. I definitely do not believe in cheating or acting on such impulses.


Anyways, I agree, some of the things listed can be quite "MACHO", and over the top, but it is not too far from the truth. Women test men all the time to see how much BS they can get away with. The trick i believe is to set your boundaries early. Personally, I think control is a good thng for the man. Women I have been with appreciate and feel secure when I make a decision. Like where are we going out on a date, where will eat, what will be do, etc.


It is just a start. marriage is a whole different ball game. Dealing with strong compromises and commitments.

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...I find nothing wrong with admiring a beautiful woman if you happen to see one passing by.


Looking at it from a confident males perspective (not saying I am one...) I agree.


It also depends on your partner and your relationship. Hypothetically, say you're with a women who is a little insecure about her looks. Not enough that its a turn off, but enough so that things like you checking out other women, bothers her. I think in this case, a person should be sensitive to their partner. Yeah it's natural to look at other women, and their is a fine-line between being sensitive to a partners needs, and being controled by them, but being sensitive to each others needs (and we all have needs and issues) is part of being in a healthy relationship.

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I agree with some points from each list, but disagree with others. lol And what is THIS...?


'Aren't afraid of being who they are'


You have that, yet most of the others contradict that. What if you are who you are yet possess some of the other 'bad' qualities? What then? Comprise who you are for the chick? Or stay true and be a 'loser'?


See, that is why I dislike these lists. They're too general.

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wow a lot to respond to, ok for this point:


'Aren't afraid of being who they are'


You have that, yet most of the others contradict that.




It's true it may seem that way, however one thing I teach is congruency, which means learning how to act to demonstrate those attractive qualities, not by pretending to be someone your not, but by bringing out those qualities within yourself. For example, lack of confidence is not an inherent part of ones personality, everyone has the ability to gain self confidence and to show it, some just need to learn how.


Here's the problem with this list: it assumes that all women are the same and act and react in the same way.


But they aren't the same.


True in some ways, but not in others. Women have different likes and dislikes, turn ons and turn offs, but only if you look at it the way your accustomed too, when it get's down to it all women are looking for the same thing, if you want to take it down to a scientific level - a good mate that can provide for her, but lets take it up from there to where it's useful information. Let me get a little detailed here..There's something we at eros call means values and ends values. The means values is what the woman says she wants in a man and these are different for all women, for example some means values are: Tall men, Muscular men, Funny, Confident, etc. These are what she THINKS she was, but you don't need these to satisfy her..what you need are ends values, it's what these means values make her FEEL. Why does she want a tall man? Well once again DNs right, different women will have different reasons, maybe for one woman it makes her feel safe and protected.. this is what she wants, if you can make her feel this it doesn't matter if youre tall. She just sees a tall man and is attracted to him but doesnt understand why, thats your job!


Sorry if I'm slow, but what does AMOG stand for?


Sorry I should have explained that in my previous posting, AMOG stands for alpha male of the group. Its a pick-up artist term. AMOG characteristics are characteristics you can demonstrate that you possess in different ways to awoman that creates instant attraction. There are 6 main ones.


2 rules of life:

1 - don't tell people everything you know

2- ...

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AMOG stands for alpha male of the group. Its a pick-up artist term. AMOG characteristics are characteristics you can demonstrate that you possess in different ways to awoman that creates instant attraction.


Thank you for clarifying.

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For example, lack of confidence is not an inherent part of ones personality, everyone has the ability to gain self confidence and to show it, some just need to learn how.


I agree.


...I just need to start practicing it. lol

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Yes, I feel many of you are missing the point. First, I can pretty much assure you all women rather have a confident man, than a man that panders to them, and forces women to take up a motherly type role with them.


Second.....These qualities do not mean men should be * * * * * * * *. This has nothing to do with being a jerk or "bad-boy" to get women. It is about embracing oneself, and masculinity, and accepting who you are: the good with the bad. To be a man of integrity. Sure we all have our "dark sides"; our flaws. So the point is to know "Hey, I'm not perfect, but I have alot of good qualities to offer". Many "Nice Guy" type men try and hide their flaws and walk on egg shells with women because they are scared the minute their partner finds out they arent perfect, she will leave.


No one is perfect, and sexually confident men know this.

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