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Like the title says..acne GRR lol. Yeah you guessed it, i have just had a major break out of spots. I hate them!!!! I get LOADS just before i am due on my period. When i say loads i mean LOADS. All big, white and red


I have tablets from my doctor for them that i take every morning and ever night and i also have panoxyl cream stuff but nothing seems to work! I drink lots of water and eat sort of healthily...what can i do to get rid of them?


I have a big time coming up in two weeks....going down to visit some friends and i ALWAYS seem to erupt out in spots before i go down and find it VERY hard to cover them with makeup....my face always ends up dry and lumpy so when i put makeup on it looks like a disaster (my skin is quite sensitive...)!!! I know most teens get spots but i'm just sick to death of it!


When i look around at the girls in my school, their skins all looks perfect, no seriously, PERFECT! It's so unfair

I can't go out of the house without wearing makeup as if i do, i look like a complete tramp!


Anyone else out there having the same problems? Anyone know any quick solutions?

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What helped me with my acne problem oh so long ago is ProActiv. It is a product developed by 2 dermatologists. It was a god send. I could see a difference in about 2 weeks. No joke. I can send you a picture of what my skin looks like now.

I know the infomercials have P.Diddy, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Vanessa Williams, model Stephanie Seymour all talking about the product and how it saved their skin. I will PM you my picture.

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Yeah, i've read about the ProActiv stuff and asked my mum if i could have some but even though she's saw the website, stories and pictures she's still worried that it'll be a waste of money so she's refused to get me some lol

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I showed her (looking good by the way and i also showed her the ProActiv website. The problem is, she doesn't want to buy it online and it's quite expensive.


I showed her and said "mum please let me get some" and she said OK go ahead. But you have to order it online and i can't do that so i explained this to her and she said no she's got no money.

I said i'd give her the money tomorrow as i have it, i just don't have a credit card.

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Then I am not sure what to tell you? I like you tried everything and that worked. I no longer use it because I now dont have an acne problem. I know they have formulated the pill so that it helps against breakouts. Other then that I am not sure what to tell you?

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The only thing that worked for my skin was time. As I got older the breakouts got less severe, but I still get a few, and my Mom at 50+ still gets em too. The proactive stuff is supposed to be good, but it also is expensive. I have sensitive skin, so most things are too harsh for me, I just use gentle pH neutral soap and water in the AM and PM. Taking birth control can also help reduce outbreaks.

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I was just reading the website....the cream i have from my doctor is that Benzoyl Peroxide stuff that is in the ProActiv solution. I don't currently use this cream as it makes my skin go red and very dry. If this the same as the ProActiv solution or will it be different?

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I can't say? All I know it has worked for me and the people I recommended it to. I have fair, sensitive skin. As you can see in my picture I am a very fair person. It didn't cause any redness on my face and my face shows every little mark let me tell you. All I can say is try it for a couple weeks and if it doesnt work for you or causes issues for you return it.

Thats about all I can tell you. Sorry

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Ok I've been using these two things & it seemed to help my skin alot. You can buy these at the store.


Noxzema Deep Cleansing Cream (Original)

St Ives Apricot Scrub (Invigorating) Oil Free


Make sure you use the Noxzema in the morning before you go out & before bed.WASH YOUR HANDS IN WARM WATER first before applying the stuff on your face. Place the cream around your face sorta like a mask & let it sit there for at least a minute, you will feel a slight stinging on your face but that's good. Then wash it off with COLD water so you can close your pores.


Use the apricot scrub twice a week & do the same routine as the Noxzema. use the Noxzema first, then the apricot scrub. Remember only twice a week for the apricot. The scrub is mainly good for your complexion & it helps your skin look better, may even fade marks & stuff faster!




1.)Avoid alot of stress because it can aggravate your skin & break you out.


2.)Changing your diet alot may help big time! Eating lots of healthy foods like for instance Salad,Fruits,Vegetables & simple healthy meals may help your skin greatly. Drink lots of water & I advise you to stay away from Sodas,Candy,Chocolate,Pototo Chips,Ice Cream or any heavily salted foods as this can aggravate the skin.


3.) Excercising daily may help also..


4.) Avoid picking or touching your face & avoid getting stuff on the face. Like make-up etc etc as this will aggravate the skin.


5.)Stay away from the heat as much as you can, because if it gets you to the point where you are sweating. All of that can clog your pores & it may cause pimples..


Anyway, my breakouts are less & my skin is looking better everyday. It may work for you..

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Wow, part of the problem is your age and hormones, but I developed a case about 3 years ago. This is what I did.

A series of 3 photofacials, spaced about 1 month apart.

A good foaming cleanser, morning and night, Bath and Body makes a good soy one.

Nutragena rapid clear face lotion, morning and night.

A couple drops of olive oil, over entire face. Remember every face needs moisturizing. Adding an oil like olive or joboha (closest to your natural skin oils) will trick your oil glands into making less of your own oil. I know it SOUNDS crazy, but remember you are only using a drop or two. Stripping your skin will cause it to produce more oil and cause damage that increases you acne problem.

A mineral, powder sunscreen.

AND NO PICKING. It just makes matters worse.

You might also try an acne facial, about once a month. So LOVELY!!!!

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The best thing you can do is to find a really good dermatologist.

I had the same problem when I was 19. And I have too very sensitive skine prone to seborroich dermatitis.

My dermatologist suggested 2 solutions pills or treatment with some sort of pills that were not for contraception (something pretty strong that you have to be careful with and you have to make regular check up + some sort of medical cream for face-not something that you can buy for everyday use). I was not interested in contraception pills and his opinion was that the other solution was better. And it helped! Not a single one after 3 months!

I'm 25 now and I must admit that during PMS I can still find 1 or 2... but you can't beat that, and it's not so much that you can't cover it with make up.

So find a very good doctor and he will help you with acne.

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hey all i have the same problem ... i have tried tablets, im on the contraceptive pill, ive tried tea tree oil and a bunch of expensive facial scrubs and stuff but nothing works. ive changed my diet numerous times and my doctor says that we may have to try ?euracutane? or something like that i dont know how to spell it (pronounced aracutane)


anyone used it? does it work?

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