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How often do you kiss?


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How often do you kiss your SO? I'm not talking a peck on the lips here - I mean a passionate full blown kiss


I'm almost always in the mood to kiss my gf but over the last few months it's petered out quite significantly and I'm not sure why. This is my first serious relationship (not hers) so I'm all up for kissing and having kissing 'sessions', but it very rarely happens and even when it does, it's me that initiates it.


Is she just not really that into me? To be honest, my feelings for her are fading dramatically due to this lack of intimacy, which I view as a significant part of a romantic relationship...


Do some people just not need or enjoy physical intimacy? Thoughts?

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i don't think that you should dump her. i mean, if that is the only reason then it is a little shallow. of course things slow down after a while. i've been with my SO for 3 years and i completely am at that point. it's different for us because we are apart at college so when we see eachother it's different. how long have you been dating? how old is she? all those factors are involved too. i love to kiss my boyfriend, but there are also times when i just want to be together and not have to make out. talk with her about it. as cliche as it sounds, communication is key and how else will you know. we're not her. hope that helps.

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Hmm... I disagree because I once went out with a girl who was well well experienced and her biggest "turn-on" was kissing, she would always love kissing and she usually always initiated our kissing sessions and we both always varied it here and there just to keep it interesting and so that it never became so boring that we didn't want to kiss... It made her soooo wet too...


I guess what I am really saying that it isn't the amount of experience you have that deteriorates the enjoyment, but what it is that actually pushes your buttons

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is she just not really that into me? To be honest, my feelings for her are fading dramatically due to this lack of intimacy, which I view as a significant part of a romantic relationship...


Do some people just not need or enjoy physical intimacy? Thoughts?


When you find the answer out to that one, PM me, 'cause I know exactly where you're coming from!

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