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Root of the problem: How do I give off that right vibe to girls?


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The advice I've been given here says I'm giving off a wrong vibe to girls. I have no problem talking to them and hot as hell. The problem is I've never been in a relationship before and it worries me sometime, like when I see couples or when I hear my roommate talking to his girlfriend.


How do I give off the right vibe?

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It is something you learn as you go. You can't force things to happen. If you do, you get what you want without taking the other person's feelings into consideration. You are young, but don't let that scare you. I know you are not the only person out there that is not/has not had a relationship. When you meet someone, enjoy the ride. Think of it as an adventure, not as a conquest. Ask questions because you want to get answers, not just to talk. There is nothing like talking to someone and that other person is not paying attention to what is being said. I live to listen to conversation. I do not hear a conversation. There is a difference. When you listen, you are actively paying attention to what is being said. When you hear a coversation, you are only thinking about what you want to say. Getting to know someone should be fun, not a task. Have fun with it. Go with the flow and see where it takes you.

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Root of the problem: How do I give off that right vibe to girls?


Why cant i get in a relationship???

I'm given so much opportunity but I feel like I keep blowing it

WOW I'm just not feeling it anymore


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This seems to be a BIG issue for you. Here are some of your posts. You cant keep asking the boards how to act, how to get a girl, how to read a person. You just have to as Nike says DO IT!


I suggest you go to the bookstore and get something on Self Confidence or Self Esteem. You must have that in order to attract someone who you would like to possibly have a relationship with.


It takes practice, practice, practice. I know that if your a shy person it can be extra tough but like I have been told by a friend "Fake it till you make it." Meaning if you aren't feeling so confident just imagine you are the most confident guy in the room its surprising what a smile can do for a person.

Good Luck and just work on you first then all the rest will fall into place.

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A "vibe" isn't something you can, or should fake. "Vibes" are reactions to the energy another person gives off. If you fake that from the beginning, all you're doing is cheating yourself. Trying to change your own energy backfires because you can't KEEP IT UP! Eventually you're going to actually be yourself, and as soon as that happens, you're going to seem different and weird to a person.


I don't understand why this is so hard. Be yourself! You'll never meet someone that you're truly compatible with if you're always faking who you are. You'll come out eventually. And who cares if she doesn't like it? Someone else WILL. The most fulfilling relationships are the ones in which we can really be ourselves.

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Ocean Eyes ~ Not sure if you were referring to my "Fake it till you make it" statement but I too believe no one should fake who they are. I was saying that if you fo in with a defeated attitude then that is exactly what you will have....defeat. It's like when you really don't want to be someplace and you put on the smiling face of "I am happy to be here." That is what I was referring to with my statement.

Be true to who you are and like I said the rest will fall into place.

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ElektraHere is stalking me. Yes, I have a penis, and I have needs. Yes, I use to be fat and shy. Now, its the other way around.


I'm not too sure about this mystical energy that I give off to girls. What does it smell like? Is it hot? Is it like radiation? Is it like the force? I would like to Jedi mind trick some girls.

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I think ElektraHere has a valid point.


There is no easy way to get a definite all encompassing answer on this. This is one of those things YOU HAVE TO LEARN FOR YOURSELF. We can't do everything for you or tell you how to do it. This is your life, you need to take control of it, there is no manual for how to live, there is just what you think is right and how you feel.

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Hmmm? I can't figure how I am stalking you? That makes no sense when on a forum asking for advice that unfortunately on this one we can't offer up much. This is something you just gotta do.


I think if you dont want responses then perhaps you shouldnt post?

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