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To go to University or Not

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Right well it's getting to that time where i need to decide which university i'm going to go to, or whether i want to go at all.


I've gotton into one uni (ok, so i don't think it's very good, but it's a uni!) and currently in the process of talking to another one who rejected me but we are trying to come to a compromise lol.


For everyone out there who went to uni, are you glad you went? if it worth all of the hard work and debt?


I'm very unsure about going to university. Some of my teachers have said that it wouldn't suit me and that i should go straight into a job. Others have said that it's a great opportunity not to be missed. I just don't know what to do!!!!


Anyone else felt like this? What did you do?

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well you should ask yourself: why do you want to go to university? what do you think you'd get out of it? Going to university can often provide you with better job prospects and further your education... do you know what you want to do after? be a nurse, teacher, etc.? because some occupations also require that you have a university degree... I think you should talk with a career counsellor at your high school (although they're often not very helpful in high school) but he/she may be able to give you some assistance as well.


I am currently attending university and love it, and don't regret going. But it may not be for everyone... you should think about what you want to study if you go to university, what your main interests are, and such. Talking with others who are also applying to university may help as well...


good luck.

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Hi blondey,


I loved my years at college. I had a wonderful experience and learned quite a bit.


It is so normal for people in high school to feel anxious about his/her future and about what to do after high school. There can be tremendous pressure to figure out a career and/or major. And the whole process of applying to schools and paying for tuition can be quite daunting. In my experience, you have plenty of time to decide. You could go to collage and take some core courses while deciding on a major and actually discovering what you like.


Are there any areas of study that you are interested in right now? What would you like to be doing in the next few years? Do not let any teacher or guidence counsulor discourage you or tell you are "not cut out" for something. That's bull. You do what you feel in your heart and what you enjoy. If you put you mind to it, you can accomplish anything.


Is college worth the hard work and debt? Well, that is up to you. For me, absolutely! It all depends on what you want to get out of the experience. Maybe it will be a good idea for you to make a list of goals you want to accomplish, what you are interested in. And there is nothing wrong with working and going to school at the same time. That is very common here in the states. I am not sure how it is for students in the UK. And maybe you can get a job in the field you are interested in while you go to school.

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Hey blondy,


I moved this to Career's for you


Is uni worth it? All depends on YOUR personality and goals. For me, absolutely. First time around I did a BA and while it did not directly lend to me to any certain career/jobs, it does certainly lead to possibilities and the knowledge, experience and so forth I gained from it are invaluable.


I am actually going back to enter into Law this September, and I certainly would not have been able to simply decide to do that without the previous education/degree either. So university also just opens up the doors for you.


So is it worth it? Absolutely. There are some wonderful pros to going to university. You learn a lot about yourself, the world, and really broaden your capacity and ability to think, reason, and use your skills.


But it is not for everyone, and there are plenty of other avenues you can consider - there are trades colleges, and business colleges you can also consider. Some people do find work without anything above High School, though it certainly is much more rare these days to find anything with as much growth potential, and it does limit your choices.


Sure there is a lot of work and pressure, and not everyone is cut out for it, some also take time off before entering university to take a break, but it is like anything else - what you make of it. Don't let anyone tell you you are not good enough for it - that is complete B.S.! My little brother was often made to feel like he was not "smart enough" in HS, he went back to college this year and is top in his class in a Risk Management diploma. My boyfriend was told by HIS high school counsellor he was not smart enough to be an Engineer...so he entered Sciences only to switch after a couple years into Engineering and he did fantastically in it. Follow what you love and are INTERESTED in as you will do far better in something you want to do. And how you do in HS is not always reflective of how you will do in uni...it's a different environment and way of learning that even those whom did great in HS may find too difficult, while those whom did less well may exceed in.


If you are not sure what you want to do, it's a good idea to take a few general courses in the first year - in arts, sciences, and figure out what interests you before you select a major.


When I was venting before about the debt I would take on to go back to Law (which is more then 2x more then my first degree) as I have been making an income for the last 5-6 years, and doing that will be HARD. I had another very wise poster on here remind me that investing in your education is WELL worth it. And I mean with student loans, the interest is low and the payment schedule very achievable, it's not THAT terrible....you have to decide if it's worth it to you though. It is an investment, and you are repaid in the long run. Uni graduates make a considerable amount more over their lifetime on average then those whom do not go..there are exceptions of course, but on average they have higher salary "caps" and more growth potential for their incomes then non-uni/non-college grads.

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I was quite lucky that I finished university in the UK before all these fees came into force. I have to admit that I made some very good friends there and really enjoyed the socialising. To be honest it is a bit boring now compared to the time I had, but I guess we all have to grow up!


Would I go to University today though, knowing I would end up with debts of maybe £20,000 - really a difficult one to answer. There are alternative ways such as work paid day release. Much cheaper plus you get a salary. On the other hand do you need a degree, as there are otherways of getting up the work ladder.


Difficult one to answer and is really up to you. Goodluck.

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With a degree you allow yourself so many more opportunities. There are jobs that you may never have a chance at because the basic requirements are a degree.

I love learning and the academic environ is well suited to me. Not all do well, it requires hard work, concentration, and dedication to make it through. There are many tempting sidetracks like BFs, parties, drugs, whatever, but you have to decide which is more important fun or success later in life.

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I'm in the same dilemma only I don't know how to apply.

The application forms and engines the univ. uses are incomprehensible. I figure I'll just stay in the army and go outlandish since I can't seem to get any girls anyways =P...


But despite that, I think it's worth to further educate yourself. Don't let others tell you what not to do. I am sure you can surmount to something great if you only wish it. Some said the world was flat, other's struggled to prove it wasn't. Stand yer ground and be firm once you decide on what to do - might mean a world's difference. Good luck!

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