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19 ways to keep a girl...guys read this, it will help you


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and the people who are so much into calling others wussies all the time and saying that they have no chance whatsoever with any girl because they are wussies.. that kind of guys have some sort of problems. In their eyes too, because they don't see that many girls actually go for "nice guys" as well.

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Is this list just for keeping a girl around for a month, or a year?

She'll get used to these things, so you need to dig deeper.

Then it gets interesting!


IMHO the macho man act doesn't work in an LTR at all with a smart woman. Equality is a b!tch isn't it?

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I literally did all of these things with and for the gilr that I HAD been seeing for the last month and a half or so and the other night out of the blue after she initiated a date to this comedy club she hit me with the "I just don't want anything right now" and that she just wants to be friends and this is a girl that was calling me EVERY day after work and texting me during work saying things like "just thinkin about you" and asking me to do things with her and making plans for us and all that and I haven't spoken to her since. IT SUCKS BAD!!!!!! I feel l;ike I did everything right and still lost in the end!

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I literally did all of these things with and for the gilr that I HAD been seeing for the last month and a half or so and the other night out of the blue after she initiated a date to this comedy club she hit me with the "I just don't want anything right now" and that she just wants to be friends and this is a girl that was calling me EVERY day after work and texting me during work saying things like "just thinkin about you" and asking me to do things with her and making plans for us and all that and I haven't spoken to her since. IT SUCKS BAD!!!!!! I feel l;ike I did everything right and still lost in the end!


I feel for you dude. I did alot of those things, and my women broke up with me. We did speak this past Sunday, after an 8 week breakup, she did get back with me, so perhaps she missed it. However, I have to admit I feel on edge now. I was kind to her last night, and when I kissed her goodbye I just didn't feel the passion. In a strange way, being too nice backfires. I am not saying we need to be jerks, but you have to somehow balance being kind, and indifferent. Women can tell you how they like nice guys all they want. Its not entirely true. Take it from a 36 year single "nice guy". I have been told I am so handsome, kind, considerate, funny, will make a great husband and father, and I am still alone. Listen that list may work, but its the kiss of death if you are trying to win a women's heart.

Many women get scared by a nice man, because they are thinking "O.K. what does he want". It like you are sending a message. I am nice, so now what are you going to give me back. You can have a geniune care and love for that person, but many women read it as a "covert contract". Then again, what the hell do I know. I have tried everything with women, and I stil find myself more frustrated that ever.

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Hm...for those who have done these things and lost your girl, I don't think it was solely because you pampered her in this way. There are always deeper issues to a relationship. For instance, if it's a new girl, maybe she was just never that into you. It's not because you treated her "too well", it's just because she didn't feel that attraction. We don't have to feel attracted to every guy we meet, or to every guy who treats us nice. But if the guy we are attracted to treats us well, THEN that's a plus for them!


In the same way, if you have dated a girl longterm and have treated her well, and she dumps you, I doubt it's because you did these things. There were probably other problems going on in the relationship. It's never one thing. Please don't assume that treating a girl well will drive her away. It's never that easy to blame one thing, as much as we would like to do so.


And in response to Omni, well, it was sad to read that you think "Never give what the want! Thats the key of keeping a girl. We keep power and control and decide whenever she deserve any of that attention." I can say that is the key to not only losing a girl, but also to having all her girl friends run after you with pitchforks and steak knives.

I notice that you have said stuff like this in pretty much every thread though, so I guess from this point on, I'll just ignore other such comments that you make. It seems like other people have already learned to do that.


I can say that I generally agree with list, except for the part about opening doors for her. I always feel awkward when men do this for me, but I make sure to tell them that. And I guess I do know other girls who love the whole chivalry thing. So just make sure the girl you're pampering in particular likes this kind of thing.


Oh, but the drawing on her back with your finger advice is *divine*. I could lie on my bed all day with some guy drawing on my back with his finger. Now if only more men did this...

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That actually 19 ways to actually end lose a girl.


Done at rare times and limited it can do wonders. But too much of it too fast you'll just end up alone....with your hand...or anything else that you use to keep you in control lol.


Basically when i just read all those 19 stuffs, its hit me has being a WUSS. And chicks dont dig WUSSES. Never give what the want! Thats the key of keeping a girl. We keep power and control and decide whenever she deserve any of that attention. Thats all.

I'm guessing you're very single.

What a load of crap, do really think some girl is going to fall in love with someone who treats her like a dog because thats what your control crap reminds me off, puppy school and dog obedience.

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  • 5 months later...

Just make sure that she knows you're coming when you hug her from behind...don't wanna scare her or anything . And hey! literally drawing on somebody with a pen is fun you use the right kind of pen at least, lol. I know a girl I was with loved it. It's like doing a soft/less permanent tattoo...dunno, I'm draw a lot, might have something to do with it!

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i don't think the things that were listed should be thought of as a way to 'keep', 'bring back, etc' someone - they are simply the things you do during a relationship


my ex let me crack her back and i let her shave my face - she cut off half my moustache but it was worth it


i don't think people should keep track of who does what to who in a relationship...if u like giving her a back scratch - do it...if she likes making you coffee - do it


just show each other that u love them everyday - and that should be natural

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Or either they're all around but b/c they're not attractive enough in one's eyes they get rejected. Of course it works vice versa as well b/c afterall regardless of what others say it comes down to looks.


Horse poo poo!!! I have never been interested in a guy because of his looks. Not to sound vain, but I have been with guys in the past towards whom I guess most would perceive as not being that attractive and because of this, I have received snide comments such as, "wow you're like way too pretty for that guy!"


Superficial people make me sick to my stomach!!!!! But then again they end up digging their own shallow loveless graves.

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Superficial people make me sick to my stomach!!!!! But then again they end up digging their own shallow loveless graves.

And for some reason the dirt keeps falling down in on them.


Looks are a stupid reason to date someone, it has no merit to how good a partner they will be or how well they will mesh with your personality.

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Man..and to think this all came from a 16 year old! Dude, if you seriously do these things, you wont have a problem keeping a girl and if we find out where you live.....300 of us women will be knocking at your door for that back rub.


I'm guessing it was quoted from elsewhere If it were me, I'd probably add in something like


20. Give them a back massage (if you know how)


But that's similar to 19 (the writing on their back one)

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Oh.... I miss stuff like that. I fell in love with my ex and he did those things during the times we were together in the beginning.


Shame he was only pretending to be a nice guy.


It makes me sad when guys complain that its bad to be a nice guy. Because that's what I thought I had and that's what I want to find - a NICE guy.

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