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Why cant i get in a relationship???


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I hope you're joking about the girl's boobs, unless she was willing.


I'd say if you need a relationship to enjoy life, there must be something else missing. How's your job, family, social life? If they're bad, being in a relationship won't help. If the rest of your life is OK, just be generally friendly to everyone, don't rule out (potential) partners who are older or younger but I would avoid the very young.


Good luck.

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Boob grabbing is not a good approach. I suggest not physically assaulting women if you'd like to go out with them. Are all the taken women you mentioned your friends girlfriends because if you're just spending time around them, yes all the women you meet will be in relationships. Maybe you're not going to the right places, there are places like bars and clubs that will be more likely to have more single women.

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messed up!!! like every girl i meet is in a relationship. i so grabbed a girls boob tonight who was in a relationship. life sucks


that is very bad to do to someone. i hope you are joking. people don't respect others that are like that. it can also be very traumatic on the girl. trust me i know.. never happened to me while in a relationship but still..... i think the guy may kick your A## if he finds out.. be careful, life will suck for you more if you continue doing that stuff....

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If a strange man grabbed my boob, I would clock him one. I'm surprised she left you standing.


Time to up the respect if you want a girlfriend. Women aren't sex objects.

I didn't clock him, but I did have some nice heels on and a handy drink...

Also helps to be know the bar tender, bouncers, 6 guys standing 3ft away, and they brought friends... Lets just say he left the bar not of his own volition.


Aggie, just because a woman is dating someone doesn't mean she's banished from bars. What an asinine idea, did you come up with it on your own?

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No, just the boyfriend should just stay w/ her like a boyfriend. I was drunk at the party. I was numb and calling hot girls gay. Yeah I was pretty dumb but I had a good time. I didn't know any of the people. And I learned a lesson! That was a "party foul". It was a good thing I had buddies to stick up for me and get me out of there before something worse happened.


Last night could've been VERY deadly. I was drunk and I was the driver. One of my buddies did the driving after the party and he drank too. Not to mention I almost got my * * * kicked.


I must be one lucky dude.

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No, just the boyfriend should just stay w/ her like a boyfriend.

So he should guard her constantly and follow her around making sure she doesn't socialize too much?

Maybe you fail to see the fact that even as a girlfriend she is still an individual and you committed a rude act against another person who deserves your respect without her boyfriend enforcing it.

You drunkenness is no excuse, it is still consider sexual harassment, your state was your choice, but the consequence of your actions are your responsibility.

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You might have notice women are no longer the property of their bf or husband. A real bummer, but it allows them to move around and live with freedom. They can even enter bars unescorted despite the attentions of drunken teenagers.

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I hope you do learn. It doesn't sound like you do!


Honestly I think you are just too immature to have a real relationship at this point. Also, I'd try dating women younger than you. An 18 year old woman would never put up with that.


Also, you're drinking and driving? I think you have some other issues to tend to before jumping in the relationship field.

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