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i can't help but feel like such a fool ALL the time. the only instances where i don't analyze everything loathsome about myself are when i'm engaging in something mindless and diverting (which would explain the importance of laughter in my life...if only if were enough though). i hate the way i look, act, present myself in general...i feel that everyone is thinking poorly of me all of the time (which i think may be the case from their behavior). i don't think that i'll ever be happy because i loathe myself to such an insane degree. i've always denounced suicide, but now it seems inevitable, i'm just not sure when i'll finally cave.


to those who have been in a similar situation, how did you get past it? i'm afraid it's always going to be this cycle where everything is just "okay" and then i remember that i'm the world's biggest joke and probably better off dead.

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i remember that i'm the world's biggest joke and probably better off dead.


first of all, you can't be.... the world doesn't even know you.. your just going through some tough times right now.. everyone goes though ups and downs in life. it's part of life. if you can get through what ever is happening in your life now.... later in life WILL be better. i never felt that bad as to wanting to harm myself but i've had my shares of lows.. we all have. i don't think anyone in the world has always felt great. some don't feel as bad as others when things go wrong, they just handle it a bit better. that's what you have to learn to do right now. just take one day at a time and you'll be fine.

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NEVER think your worthless or useless. All of us are unique and we each have talents. I am sure that there are people in this world who care for you, what about your family? Think about what interests you and do that. You will be happy to have accomplished something. Also, I am sure you are not ugly. Beauty is only skin deep, after all. How about exercising or some heart-pumping activity? Getting the blood pumping, can make you feel great. Never think your are a bad person, you are a good person. Believe.

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It's hard to cope with the 'down's' because they always follow the 'up's' where we feel happy or just plain normal, but it's our moods and we cannot always control them so we must just 'let them be' and understand that when your up, there will be a down.


But as we get older, we find love, happiness etc, then these up's and down's become less and less important and we hardly notice them. Let time move you by not letting let the 'down's' drag you under and you will inevitably rise on your own.

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