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What…How and When a Woman ?


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1. What is the worst thing for a man to do when trying to approach a woman ?


2. How can a man in a bar let a woman know that he finds her attractive and wants to talk to her ?


3. When a woman is attracted to a man but sees that he is shy…what will she do to encourage him ?

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1. Strike up a conversation without using the terribly cliche pick-up lines. Why not try a compliment.

FYI: Compliments about little things guys miss...steer away from fashion as you may come off not interested in her but he clothes, if you catch my drift. Works like beautiful smile, stunning eyes, gorgeous instead of hot, sexy.


2. Approach her. Offer to buy her a drink. Ask her a question about herself.


3. Keep the conversation going, subtle hints with eye contact, body language as well that show shes interested (keeps eye contact, body is facing you, smiling openly)

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1. Drool and grab his crotch... Seriously though, pick up lines suck. Don't stare at her either, that can get creepy, try to be subtle when you look at her.


2. Approach her with a nice smile, say hi, introduce yourself. Ask about what she likes to do, keep the compliments fairly small (you don't want to sound like you're just buttering her up). Just be nice!


3. For shy guys I just try to be patient, ask them about themselves, try to make them feel comfortable. Most shy people turn out to be very sweet, so its usually worth the wait.

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1. there are too many bad things that he can do. try having some common sense and act appropriately


2. If he has positive eye contact with her then society would say that he should approach her.


3. Its not common for women to approach guys especially in social situations. Unless she has a desire to meet him I doubt that she is going to do anything to encourage him to act.

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1. What is the worst thing for a man to do when trying to approach a woman ?


-The worst thing is to try to please her. She won't start loving you just because you buy her a drink. Wait until you find a girl who loves you first !!! Don't date the girl who you first love...date the girl who first loves you !!! Because that way you know she is really committed to you, and doesn't just like you because you like her, which isn't the basis of a relationship, because the love is not reciprocated


2. How can a man in a bar let a woman know that he finds her attractive and wants to talk to her ?


-Advice: Don't meet girls in bars. Find girls who have a common interest as you. Are there any hobbies or clubs or social movements that you are a part of where you can meet girls. Its good if you both have shared passions.


3. When a woman is attracted to a man but sees that he is shy…what will she do to encourage him ?


-Most girls don't like shy guys. Over come your shyness with practice. Practice talking to girls again and again and again until they no longer intimidate you. Good luck

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sounds like you could really benefit from EROS as you asked very specific questions we worked hard on researching and answering. so here goes:

1. Our research has shown the most common mistakes guys make when approaching women is being too obvious with intentions. The way to approach a woman to guarantee success differentiates based on the environment your in and the attractiveness of your target. If we're talking about really hot women, you're going to want to use negs. Don't walk up to her and say something, maybe open to her friend (it'll be easier because you're not interested in her friend, and it'll throw her off). remember, hot women are used to guys clamoring all over them, she's used to guys buying her drinks, this isn't the way to win her over. You need to differentiate yourself, get her curious and wanting you. When you open to her friend you throw her off because she's wondering why you're not talking to her. Then to include her in the conversation (don't ever be rude or disrespectful she will just hate you though), neg her, the hotter she is the more negs you can use. This will get her instantly attracted to you and hitting on you! She will be trying to get your attention, then you can just follow the FFF system from there..

2. A Man in a bar would not want to let a woman know he finds her attractive, you would be ruining your game. You're going to want to talk to her by doing a good approach and following the mechanics of the system. Get her telling you that you're attractive.

3. She will not encourage you, she guys lose out. You need to overcome your shyness. Confidence is among the top 3 most attractive male characteristic and is also an AMOG characteristic. By displaying all the AMOG characteristics you can get a girl to be irresistible attracted to you. A good rule to follow when picking up women is the 'immediate rule' of the FFF system. This means you do everything IMMEDIATELY, you see a girl you want to talk to, don't sit there and stare, immediately approach her. If you think too much you'll make yourself nervous, brake the rule, then you might just look creepy or not confident in yourself.

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Well judging by other threads here and what I have heard other women say humour is on the top of the list of things women look for in a man (correct me ladies if I am wrong). So I personally would bet that saying something funny would help out. Nothing offensive or long winded and no "why did the duck cross the road jokes" you remember from primary school (although that may catch them off guard). There is no tried and true method just be enjoyable to be around I find is helpful, bitterness, agressivness are usually big no-nos. Most of all I think just having fun and not worrying about picking-up seems to work.

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How important a role do looks play in dateing?


Umm very important I would say. They are not the only thing that matters but for the initial phase before you get to know someone they are important. But looks has little to do with what you were born with but how you use it. Cant really be into someone you find unattractive (looks or personality). And again looks has very little to do with the cards you are dealt with in life but how you use them.

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But looks has little to do with what you were born with but how you use it.

I agree, sometimes I see physically beautiful people, but their character shows through their pretty face and their conceit and vanity can make them ugly. Its all about bearing and how you project yourself. Act like everyone should be looking at you and some people may, but what quality of people are they? If you're friendly and cheerful you'll have an open and pleasant face. Besides beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I'm attracted to men that aren't always considered main stream handsome, but to me they're gorgeous.

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I'm attracted to men that aren't always considered main stream handsome, but to me they're gorgeous.


And I bet your attracted to these men who show more confidence in who they are. Given the choice between 2 non-mainstream men would you chose the more confident self-assured man?


A man who wore hair like this cause he wanted to or a man who wore hair like this because he thought others thought it was cool.

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And I bet your attracted to these men who show more confidence in who they are. Given the choice between 2 non-mainstream men would you chose the more confident self-assured man?


A man who wore hair like this cause he wanted to or a man who wore hair like this because he thought others thought it was cool.

I actually had a friend who I thought was cute, he had a mohawk that was died black, red and yellow. When he would spike it up, it looked like 6in flames coming off his head. He did it because got bored with the green and blue stripes he had previously.

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I actually had a friend who I thought was cute, he had a mohawk that was died black, red and yellow. When he would spike it up, it looked like 6in flames coming off his head. He did it because got bored with the green and blue stripes he had previously.


I like how you completely avoided the question.

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I like how you completely avoided the question.

Sorry, the pretty colors distracted me....

I like people who do things for themselves and not the approval of others.

That means they are usually more self-confident. Most of my drive comes from my desire to meet goals and achieve dreams I designed for myself, I like people who do the same.

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Well good thing they didnt blind you! So if a guy is nice a polite to you but is sure of himself not to worry what you think of him, you find that attractive?

If he doesn't care that I don't like his hair or his ripped jeans, then I don't mind that. I do want him to care what I think of him as a person, but his physical appearance shouldn't matter.

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Dont mind is indecisive. And if someone cares what you think of them as a person, is this them not being "true to themselves"?

I don't think so, if I like them for who they are they can take joy in knowing I appreciate their charms and quirks in a way no other person will. They don't have to change because I may not like one aspect of their personality, you get the whole person good and bad, understanding that comes with the acceptance that no one will be perfect and you can never expect to find that perfect mate.

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I don't think so, if I like them for who they are they can take joy in knowing I appreciate their charms and quirks in a way no other person will. They don't have to change because I may not like one aspect of their personality, you get the whole person good and bad, understanding that comes with the acceptance that no one will be perfect and you can never expect to find that perfect mate.


Well to care in this context implies some sort of need for acceptance. Ie if someone doesnt care what you think they are really not concerned whether you accept them or not. Or better yet the need for acceptance makes them "care" about what you think about them looks or other wise.


And your right no one is "perfect" (100% flawless) but there are people who may be perfect for YOU (they meet the base things you require in a person and they fulfil your expetations in life and more). So yes you can find that perfect mate.

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Well to care in this context implies some sort of need for acceptance. Ie if someone doesnt care what you think they are really not concerned whether you accept them or not. Or better yet the need for acceptance makes them "care" about what you think about them looks or other wise.

I think its possible to have different levels as to who you care cares. For me the opinions of the population at large of what I do and what I'm like really don't matter to me. The opinions of my friends and family I hold in high regard because I feel they have the perspective that validates their feelings. There happens to one persons opinion I hold the most highly above all others and that is my own because only I will know every thing has gone into shaping me.

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I think its possible to have different levels as to who you care cares. For me the opinions of the population at large of what I do and what I'm like really don't matter to me. The opinions of my friends and family I hold in high regard because I feel they have the perspective that validates their feelings. There happens to one persons opinion I hold the most highly above all others and that is my own because only I will know every thing has gone into shaping me.


Agreed! Now lets say you meet a man from the general (ie never met him before, has no relationship to anyone you know), non-mainstream population does the following statement still apply?


"I do want him to care what I think of him as a person"


Just wondering.

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Agreed! Now lets say you meet a man from the general (ie never met him before, has no relationship to anyone you know), non-mainstream population does the following statement still apply?


"I do want him to care what I think of him as a person"


Just wondering.

I don't feel it applies. If he's some random guy, I don't particularly care how he feels about my opinions of him. It sounds cold, but I'm not saying that I'll be inconsiderate or unfriendly to him, its just that his feelings aren't as important to me as my friend's standing next to me.

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