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difference between Love & Obsession??


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Wow! I wish my boyfriend loved me that much...

it seems for me, that i'm in the same boat as you, im madly inlove with my boyfriend, yet i don't feel he loves me back, he's always too busy to see me, or he's studying, working, out with friends... he's a great guy, i love him SO much, but i feel this love isn't returned


anyway, maybe people like us are just doomed... well, i wish you goodluck

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I know how you feel, funny how opposites seem to end up together and make it so both are not as happy.


I would love to find a girl that is just as attentive and obsessed as I am, that would make a perfect match and a great reassuring relationship.

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I don't think I'd like to have mutually obsessive relationship, it sounds a little too close to Folie à deux. I would rather say I was loved than the object of some fixation. Obsession has serious psychological implications that make the individual sound disturbed or demented in some way that they have developed an unhealthy or inappropriate attachment.

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I love this topic!


I haven't figured it out yet so I have nothing new to offer but I think the topic - the difference between love and obsession - is a fascinating one.


Look at the sappy love songs that are really, really close to stalker anthems.


Can't remember who sings this one, Marc Anthony or Enrique Iglesias: "You can run, you can hide but you can't escape my love."


Love? Or obsession?


I LOVE this topic...er no, wait, I think I'm a bit obsessed with it really.

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I think that love and obsession are not necessarily mutually exlusive. However, I had an ex who was obsessed with me for years, and believe me it was not about love and hearts and flowers, it was just BAD.


Here is a major distinction: If you love someone you will do anything for them, and I don't mean anything to win them, but anything to help them. You would not think twice about taking a bullet, giving them your last dime. etc. I guess that's just my opinion.


With obsession you're concern is not for the object's welfare, but for your own.

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