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Getting BackTogether Following Enotalone & Majord23 Advice


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Ladies and Gentlemen of the " Getting Back Together Forum" (Plus Majord23 )


My ex has just phoned after texting twice to say she "misses me , loves me and wants to get back together"


She was not drunk and had been thinking about things over the last 3 months or so ( since the perfect plan)


My response : Think about it, and lets talk later or so to speak after a 30 min conversation.




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To all those whose hearts are bleeding like mine at the moment and would want nothing more than getting back with their partners, I hope and pray we get as lucky as this and post a message like this soon.... but only if getting back together is God's plan for us all.


I'm well glad for you buddy!

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Congratulations, Scruff.


That's some great news 4 U. I hope that it all works out and that U 2 stay 2gether this time. We all learn from our mistakes, and I'm sure the 2 of U are no different. Good luck, man.



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Guys/Girls + Majord23 , Im not going anywhere.


But these are critcal times .So as much as I will plough my thoughts and experinces in getting to this point, back into enotalone - Getting Back Together. There is a long way to go.


Why ???


Because Actions Always Speak Louder Than Words.




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Yes. But Its 2 hours away. However, I will have to qualify her intentions in the medium term. Sure, she is doing right in terms of her career right now by getting qualified.


She misses me, and all her friends here. I work Mon to Fri and when we went out we would only see each other at weekends because she worked the same daft hours as well.


I have asked the question is it me OR the lifestyle/friends she misses. She said me, and judging by her behviour over the past 3 months she has confirmed that.


Wise DN , I am not taking this at face value at all. There are alot of things we need to discuss. Im just saying that the theories and strategies on this forum to get the girl who dumped you to a point of her wanting you back as her boyfriend have worked so far. This is what "Getting back together - enotalone" is perhaps for. The rest is unsure right now.





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Great news Scruff! I like the way you are thinking about the whole "actions speak louder than words" issue. You had a great phone conversation and she seemed to say everything you have been wanting to hear. Now make her work for you and say the same things to you in person, to your face, looking into your eyes when she says them. You will be able to judge her sincerity and intent much better in person. Then you will know exactly where she's at emotionally. Just be cautious and take it as it comes.

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A big thank you to all of you. I have followed the advice here and have got to the point where she wants to get back together. The next few weeks we will see if we get back together.


To be continued ..........



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Quick questions for you scruffism.

1 What was her reason for ending it? ive read your posts just forget

2 does it still bother you that right after you guys broke up she was with that other guy, how long were they together? did she date anyone else during this time?

3 From your posts its hard to get an idea of time, i know you broke up early fall, but what was teh longest streak of absolute NC?

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