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dumb question...


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they'll be selling tickets to the prom tomorrow through friday. I heard from someone else that it's gonna be till the end of the year. Now, I don't have a date, and not many potential ones either. I don't think I wanna go as much anymore either, which is good, because I probably won't go anyway. The thing is that the tickets are certainly not cheap! Do you think I should get 2 just in case I find the courage to pull a "crazy stunt" (or do you think it's not necessarily that crazy?), or just forget about it? I'm ok either way. Best wishes.

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Prom is so overrated. I went to an all girls Catholic high school and my parents didn't let me date in high school so for my senior year, a bunch of my friends got together and went to prom together. We also went went out for dinner together before prom and had a great time. You dont have to go to prom with a date to have a great time, you can go with your friends. I did.

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