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Only calls once a month?


I find that funny...that she only calls once a month, to check on us!


.how do I conquer this?


I dont want to argue with him over this....Do I just not talk about it?


So do I not ask questions?


I have done the agruing thing before, worked once, then didnt. And I am sick of this chic being in our lives...I dont want to demand he stop talking to her...


How do I deal with this?



Help Please!

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It sounds like you'd bring this up to your guy in a not so civil fashion.


If and when you bring this up to him, sit him down and calmly tell him how this makes you feel. Let him know that this really does bother you and that it's important to your feelings that he not continue to contact his former girlfriend.

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We have talked about it calmly, in an argument. etc


I just want to figure out the best plan of action.


When we did talk about it calmly, he agreed to tell her to not call. And when she did call, he lied about it. So where do I go from here?


I dont want to lose him. I dont think its fair to tell him to stop talking with her. I would react the same way he did. I asked before, and he didnt like it...Not sure why. I guess the principal of it!


It does hurt and I dont trust this girl! I want her gone!


It just hurts that he wants to be friends with her, and that I feel so disrespected by this. I am just not sure what to do!

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He can't be that good of friends with her if she calls once a month, so I don't think it would be huge if he stopped talking to her all together. But he may not react well to that request. Just remember that he's with you, and thats all that really counts! Good luck!

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I never really understood this phobia girls have about exs.

If he/she calls once a month , it's very difficult to call that a friend more someone on the line between a friend and a stranger.

Why do u feel so threaten by her ? if it was just anothe girl would it be different or you just can't stand to have your boyfriend have female friends ...?

Is it the fact that they had a relationship , that can't be it because they once had it but it failed and they both know they can't be together ...

And why would a sane and logic man cheat with his ex, that's the 1st girl there would be suspicions and why take the risk when there a gazillions girls with whom he could cheat on and you would have no idea ...?


And all of that leads to ... DO you trust him ... ?!

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I do trust him...Just this one girl I cant stand him talking to, because I feel she has other motives, then being his friend. I speak to his other ex, who he was with for a few years. She I dont feel threatened by!


Just this girl, she has other motives, she only calls once a month, and thats to check on us....and It annoys the crap out of me. She does want him back, rather she actually cares about him or not. I just dont like this one girl.


If he flirts with other girls, or they flirt with him, I dont care. Just this one girl WHY?


I have been racking my brain trying to figure out why? And honestly I am thinking about asking him to tell her not to call anymore....I just dont want to deal with her, or him talking to her! Blah...tough!

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