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I am being put in a position where I am being stuck in the middle in between the guy that I am falling madly in love with and one of my really good frends. They both live in Cali. I went out there for two weeks to visit my really good friend about 2 months ago, and while I was out there I met the most amazing guy. Now, I'm going back to Cali at the end of this month, but just for the weekend. He was under the impression that we could have some "alone time" because I had just been out a little over a month ago, and she's under the impression that it will be just like last time. She's dating my guy's best friend, so it was such a good time when I was out there before because we just double dated everywhere and had so much fun, but now her and her guy are having problems. I guess my guy said something to her about how "we might want some alone time" and my friend is very overly sensative. She called me and said "well I'm just going to let him pick you up at the airport, and he can take friday off work instead of me..." shes taking it to an extreme when I never even said anything to my guy about wanting her to not be with us. I'm being put in the middle and it sucks. I voiced my concerns to my guy and he just said I was worrying too much and that she understood... but I never wanted him to talk to her in the first place! I want to see both of them equally! Please help me, because I feel like I'm being forced to make a choice! I hate it!

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I'm sure you can come up with some sort of compromise so that everyone involved is happy including you. Like meeting up to eat out somewhere at night, and then going your separate ways. I would hope your friend would understand that you are trying to spend some time on your new relationship, and I hope your boyfriend would understand that you can't just blow your friend off for the whole weekend. Talk with both of them and explain that they've put you in an awkward position and they should be more understanding (I hope!). Good Luck and have a nice trip!

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