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I care to much...

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I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to help me a bit, Im a very emotional person, very emotional. If someone says something to me i act like it doesnt matter but then i go to my friends for reassuence that im not what they say i am. I constantly need people telling me that im good enough and that im not hopeless, how can i stop this? It must annoy my friends as it annoys me! I also get jealous so quicky and im very self conscious! Just wondering if theres a way i can calm down a lil and not mind so much what people think???](*,)

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hey rozi! we have almost the same name lol!


i'm similar to you actually....i'm soo emotional and my friends/family always tease me about it! i can cry at the silliest thing like....watchin a sport that i don't even like and seeing someone win! or watching an advert....! i always need reassurance too and i find it mostly in one of my bestfriends...i think she just understands that thats the type of person i am and she helps me with it! i think we just really lack self-confidence in our selves. i think what helps me is reading those self help books...they can make you feel surprisingly good about yourself! especially those chicken soup books..i love those!


also, when you find yourself thinking like that...instead of going to your friends for reassurane, try and reassure yourself that you are good enough and you're not hopeless. and try not to think that you need to be good enough for anybody else but yourself.

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You sound like you need some self-condidence in yourself. I'm going through that phase. A good way not be way too emotional, is to self-evaluate yourself and see what your strengths are. You are not useless or worthless. We all have something about ourselves that makes us unique and great inside. Find that. Do some research and think about what makes you interesting and what your interests are. Good luck.

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