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Panic Attacks -what causes them?


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When I have to do a presentation in front of the whole class, it never fails. My voice starts shaking, my hands shake, my heart feels like its POUNDING out of my chest.


Its terrible, i have no idea how i developed it but i have been absent everytime i had to do a presentation as a result I have gotten Ds.. I really wanted to major in Journalism but I could not bear to be in so many public speaking classes so I could not do it..


I remember when I was a child (grade school) I used to love talking in front of the class, even I was lead in some school plays- As a kid I never felt an ounce of nervousness. So im not sure what happened... In junior high I got picked on severely because i was into punk music- i got beat up a couple of times as well... even the teachers picked on me and told me that I was garbage and trash and that i look like a 12 year old hooker...I think that whole expereience has something to do with it, but im not sure.


Maybe someone can help?

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What do you think about when you get up to speak? What do you fear?


I suggest you first (as a quick fix perhaps) just get up there and tell yourself you don't care. Just don't care. Don't care what people think of you. Prepare and practice, but when you actually do it, don't care. Your worry and fear are counter-productive to your success so let go of them. Also don't drink coffee or take other stimulants before you present either...


If you still feel your hands shaking, your voice quivering, pause for a second or two, take a deep breath, and collect yourself. Catch it before it happens. Most people speak too fast anyway, and adding a few purposeful pauses like this might help you give a better presentation too...


Also, you should do more public speaking. Join a public speaking group like the Toastermasters. Find other opportunities where you can speak more. The more you do it, the better you'll get and the easier it will be I think... Do it so much it becomes second-nature to you...

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I dont know what I fear. Honeslty I dont think about anything, my anxeity takes over. All I think about is my heart pounding.

I have gone up there and said " I dont care, im going to do this"

It never works, no matter what I do I have a panic attack. its like this crazy uncontrollable thing I cannot stop. I even did breathing exercises.


I had about 6 shots of vodka one time and I did my presenation and got a B+. I was so nervous i brought an orange juice container to class with vodka mixed in and drank it.. I didn't have an attack but I felt nervous.

I dont really want to get in the habit of relying on alcohol though.


My doctor prescribed me aetenol- did nothing. I was thinking of asking for valium now.


I think its ashame because I am very talented, creative, and smart. Its ruining my life.


I'm fine speaking with people and friends, just not in a classroom/auditorium setting.

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Well, I would say you need to talk to your doctor, or even a different doctor and stress the seriousness of this condition. I think you should approach a therapeutic method to solving or easing this problem first before a medication route, and especially a route involving alcohol. That's no good. It may have served you well once, but what about the rest of your career?


As a last resort measure of sorts, there are other careers out there where you can use your talents, intelligence, and creativity. But I would try the therpay route first, then there are plenty of different medications out there these days and one should at least help the problem...

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Well the good news is that you aren't completely crazy. Did you know that studies have been done and it has been found that public speaking is one of the greatest fears of people?


It's just one of those things that get better with practice. Speeches are something you just have to do in school. Maybe you will be lucky and one day have a career that doesn't involve a lot of it. But right now, you have to try to get through it.


It's important to remember simple things. Although it may never comfort you completely, it might help. First of all, you are not alone. Probably at least half of your class dreads public speaking. Another thing, you should remember that most of the time, people won't notice your voice shaking and stuff. It probably doesn't seem that way, but really, people hardly ever realize your mistakes and stuff unless you point it out. Always practice a lot. When you feel that you are prepared, usually it helps.


And unfortunantly, we all have to go through it. You are going through it with your classmates. You are all in it together. So, whatever the issue is, they won't be thinking about how horrible you are doing because they will be going through it just the same.


It sounds to me like you just have a fear of public speaking. I don't think it's anything serious. Maybe you could talk to your teacher about it too, and see what advice she has.

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The mind you must understand doesn't want two things, it does not want to be hurt and it does not want to be embarrassed. It would appear you are almost certainly embarrassed by something, whether it be your weight, the way they might react to what you say or do, or the way you dress, I'd be willing bet that your embarrassed about something, as a result you fear you will be hurt either emotionally, mentally, or physically. It is not at all uncommon for these things to manifest into panic attacks. That would be my advice, so -if- I'm right then all you need to do is find what embarrasses you and eliminate it. Hope that helps.


Of course if this is not an option, maybe just have to learn to live with it, it's all a state of mind mate, gotta roll with it sometimes. Best of luck!

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Remember that many of those in the audience would panic just like you. They won't criticize you at all, because they fear the same task.

I had to talk in front of meetings in my old job. It freaked me out because I'm incredibly shy and under real pressure, I stutter. I just imagined that I didn't give a damn what they thought of me, and tried to belt it out as best I could. I tried not to hurry and they seemed to treat me well.

In time it got easier, but these days I doubt I could do it very well.

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I think it just takes time getting used to talking in front of groups. Its easy as a kid because its not that serious, but with age and responsiblity more is expected. I had the worst experience my senior year of college, I always got in an argument with the Prof during my presentations, so every time I had one I got really upset before hand. He really was disrespectful and was a horrible audience, he'd start grilling me before I'd even start. I started to get panic attacks, too. It got so severe I would be sobbing most of the night before.


My solution was to just focus on my work, I would write my presentations and know them backward and forward, so I wouldn't miss a beat even when interrupted. I looked at the wall behind the prof or my classmates, so it looked like I was looking at them, fake eye-contact. My hardest thing was staying calm, practice breathing. Just controlling your breathing can really help alot. Take deep breaths and exhale, do this before the presentation. If your hands shake, don't worry, its not that bad, just focus on your presentation.

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I had the same problem I didn't like it, I was annoyed by it just like you so as a solution guess what I did, I got in front of about 600 people that I didn't even know, and rapped! LOL and umm yeah it worked when I got off the stage I was really anxious, I was so anxious that I couldn't pour water in to a glass so someone helped me haha my hands were shaking a little too much And after that, I did it a couple times more!! Right now I don't have any problems talking in front of an audience anymore

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I had those also, "my heart starts pounding", "I can feel the blood pulsing through my entire body", "shake violently", "my mouth goes dry" (that was unreal lol my mouth was SO dry..), "I hyperventilate" and the solution was to go on and face my fears I guess it worked for me.

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I think I get panic attack although they feel more like nervous breakdowns!


One morning I was so nervous going into work I collapsed in the field near the building and was sobbing and hyperventilating for 10-20 mins cos I was so scared about having to in to listen to irate abusive customers.


Other times I ended up panicking, crying, making a scene, and running out of work due to not being able to deal with said customers!


Hasn't happened to me in a few months... has anyone else been this bad?

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I'm the same way! I panic when I have to give a presentation! I get soo nervous. I've even tried to pick a major where I knew I would never have to take a speech class! I get panic attacks just being around a large group of people such as co workers and such. It's a horrible feeling so I completely understand where you're coming from!

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