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I like to think my self as a fruit now i don't mean that i'll do anything for fruit, but that i can't stop eating it. Well i guess a better thing to call my self is a fruit addict*.Is there any thing wrong with that? I really feel like there is some thing wrong with me. I finish a whole thing of graeps within two days after they are brought home, i also eat a lot of apples and bananas*. Dose anyone ealse* have this problem?



*= spell ceck*

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There is NOTHING wrong with what you're doing! Keep it up!


I don't find much joy in junk food. I don't buy premade or processed foods. Whole foods are the way to go. Foods with only one or a couple ingredients.


I, too, eat a lot of fruit. I crave it every day. I drink a lot of juice. Not from concentrate, no sugar added juice. I drink it by the litre. I eat fruit all the time. It's HEALTHY!!

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I wish I had half a mind to remember to eat and when I did I wish it would include more fruit. Its great that you eat that much fruit, think of all the benefits fruit has: vitamins, minerals, fiber, there's so much research that points to fruit as a preventative measures for many diseases. Keep eating!

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yep - fruit is good - as soon as I buy like a box of strawberries or oranges I have to eat like the whole box or at least 2-3 oranges right away - fresh fruit is especially good...makes me want to go eat those strawberries in my fridge right now...

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I finish a whole thing of graeps within two days after they are brought home


I just reread your post and noticed this. My friend, you ain't got nothing on me. A bowl of grapes are gone for me in one sitting. Like, half an hour and 2 pounds of grapes will be gone.


Apples I eat 2 or 3 at a time.


I don't like bananas.


Strawberries, a whole container in one sitting. Orgasmic in a sugar, vanilla, white whine sauce.


Mangoes. If they were any cheaper, 3 or 4 in a day no problem. Right now ther're a buck a piece, too much to overdose on them


nectarines and red and black plums. One is usually enough when they're not in season since they tend to be rather sour. Peaches I don't care for, I don't like the feeling of the fuzz on my teeth *shudder*


Yeah, I'm done reminiscing about FRUIT. I love fruit

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please give us the receipe please!!!!!


Cut up strawberries. Pour sugar on it until it melts and makes a sauce. Pour in some vanilla extract (use real vanilla if you have it. I don't) and a splash or more of white wine. I used ice wine because I had some left, but any sweet white wine will work.


And voila! Try it with whip cream. Not WHIPPED cream, drizzle thick cream over it straight out of the carton, or whip it until it's slightly thicker and use that. Use some of the syrup on top of that.


I usually lick the plate when I'm done. It's just so delicious. Best to eat when room temp. Brings out the flavours better than straight from the fridge.



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ok, so you add the strawberries and the sugar over heat? And then serve at room temp?


(Sorry for hijacking your thread racoon! )


nono, slice up strawberries and put the sugar directly onto the strawberries. The liquid in the fuit will melt the sugar into a syrup in about half an hour. Leave the bowl out on the counter the whole time. Once no solid sugar is present, add vanilla and wine and just toss everything together.


I'm not talking about massive amounts of sugar here. Just a few teaspoons worth. Through the wondeful process of osmosis, water will be drawn out from the strawberries to melt the sugar into a wonderful syrup.


You could totally make this beforehand, even the night before and just keep it in the fridge to let the flavours get all melded and all that pazazz. You can eat it cold straight from the fridge, but I've found it just tastes better when it's room temp.

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Fruit is great for you, you should be getting a good amount of fruit & veggies a day (3-5 servings a day).


I eat tons of it, I actually had to cut back as I ate way too much (more then you are eating), and it was too expensive, and at the expense of other foods I needed to eat too


However, be careful of overdoing it as they can contain a lot of sugars which can mess with your insulin levels and not be fantastic in large doses.


Make sure you get some veggies in there as well, and try and switch to organic as much as possible - at least for the thin skinned fruits (like strawberries, apples). Many preservatives etc on non organics have been demonstrated to be carcinogenics. Organic fruit also has tons more flavour (it does not always LOOK more appealing but that is because it is less modified, etc).

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