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I think I now know what a heart attack feels like...


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And it isn't fun. Listen or don't, doesn't matter but no one else is listening so I'll post it here. It may not even belong here! I'm not sure. But it should cause besides the math, I AM in the middle of an ever joyful mental breakdown eating anything I can get my hands on! Anyway. T_T


I'm going mad! We have exams tomorrow in Math. Writing, I can handle...Reading, I can handle. Math, I cannot handle. *Cries* I don't even know how to multiply fractions darnit! I may have learned it at some point but I can't remember. See I have this thing, whenever I have something big like exams coming up I forget it. I'll go to sleep one night planning to study the day away and the next morning remember none of it. And than out of nowhere, 12 hours later it comes and slaps me in the face! On top of all this I am out of chocolate! All I have left are gummy bears and candy necklaces....


It doesn't count againest my report card, but it does count for the courses I will be taking next year. So if I fail these (Which I will) I get stuck with Test Preperations for half a stinkin' year! Half of my High School career wasted on something that COULD have been something decent to go on my College Application! But no! I NEED TO TAKE TEST PREPS! How will that look on my application? I already have many things againest me, but this just garantees my life as a hobo in the city of New York eating scraps of gum off the side-walk.


*Rips open a Kit-Kat bar that was materialized out of nowhere*


I do pretty decent in my regular math class sure. Good enough to pass to the next level anyway. But the stuff on this test I cannot get. I came from a diffrent school district. I NEVER LEARNED THIS STUFF! Or at least I learned it diffrently. And if I did learn it, I would have forgotten it over summer vacation anyway. But everyone else thinks I'm an idiot because I am not fluent in the mathematical language of today. Hell my grandma can barely get the math we're learning, and she's the best at math in the family. They make it harder every year just to make us suffer...well maybe not but I am entitled to say that right now!


*Freaks out* My dog can't even stand me right now (He likes his people happy) so I doubt anyone else can. That's okay I needed to freak out a bit...it's good for me....I'm going to go study all night now...good night....


(If you haven't noticed one of my biggest fears is Math. I am literally afraid of the subject because it's just too complicated. I'm more of a Foreign Language, Social Studies and English person. And it is too late to get a tutor. Thankyou for giving me a place to rant, appreciate it. ^^)

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Multiplying fractions:


Multiply all the top numbers and stick the final number on the top of a line. Multiply all the bottom numbers and stick the final number below the earlier final number.


Reduce if you have to. If you don't know how to, don't, the teachers usually only dock a small mark if you don't reduce since you still got the *right* answer.

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Take a few deep breaths, now force all of that out of your lungs, take some more deep breaths and force your lungs empty. Relax and calm down. I know what you going through, exams are the hardest, most cruel thing in the world. But you don't need to think about that focus on the math.


6/7 * 4/5 = 24/35 = (6*4)/(7*5)

No reduction needed


8/3 * 9/7 = 72/24 = (8*9)/(7*3)

This can reduce because 72 and 24 are multiples of 8 so the new answer is 9/3 which in turn equals 3 because 9/3=3 and 3/3=1 and 3/1=3.


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6/7 * 4/5 = 24/35 = (6*4)/(7*5)

No reduction needed


8/3 * 9/7 = 72/24 = (8*9)/(7*3)

This can reduce because 72 and 24 are multiples of 8 so the new answer is 9/3 which in turn equals 3 because 9/3=3 and 3/3=1 and 3/1=3.



DAMN the day when maths makes its way onto enotalone.com

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