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Why does I get labeled like this?....I'm not like my older sister


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Why is it when the whole time when growing up ( mostly applys to people with sisters/brothers) that when for example in school that your teachers expect or I guess its more a label on you to be as smart or trouble maker just as your older sibling/s were, i hate it because im my own person, I have totally different interest, abilities, ways of learning......and in my case I think I should be treated like a differnt person all together, not like my sister, its not like i'm attached to her hip



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I don't know why they do it. I suppose they just assume that because you're from the same gene pool that you'll have the same outlooks/intelligence etc.


I have 2 sisters and I'm pleased they didn't go to the same secondary school as me. I was 'average' at school in exams but did good class work. I loved school! The sister next to me hated school and wasn't very good at academic subjects but was excellent at needlework and cookery. Our youngest sister seemed to not really care and didn't have to try hard but did well at school.


I agree teachers shouldn't stereotype their pupils due to previous family members because any achievements attained puts pressure on those that aren't so gifted!

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Yeah I hear you there, I wansn't a kid that was gifted with brains, I'm more of a person that excels in stuff that are hands on at school and I do everything to avoid the book work all together, I take what is required like english, math, history, then its all like tec. courses stuff I enjoy like woodworking, welding, etc...



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My brother and I are so opposite that even though we have a fairly uncommon surname, no one ever connected me as his sister. It wasn't until my senior year of HS when one of my teachers asked if I knew my brother that they even found out we were related. The teachers who knew my brother kinda looked at me funny after that, oh well, thats their problem.

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Yeah about a year, none of the teachers know, but they soon caught on to who I was because there was only two of us in the school out of 900 kids that shared the same surname....but it became a problem having the label after that



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Sometimes if you were memorable at school, your younger sibling gets it.. like, Ive left my old school now but my 12 year old sister started this year and she has a few of the same teachers as me, who called her Emily (my name) not Lucy (hers) for the first few weeks, strange because we dont act or look alike..teachers ehh..strange lot..

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