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I know this is gross- sorry

I am 29 years old. I have very bad cellulite all over my butt and thighs. started when i was 25.

im 5'5 and weigh 110 lbs. I eat healthy- exercise 6 times a week. very active.

I spent about $10,000 on treatment, waste of money...nothing works.


I feel like I can never go to the beach, wear shorts or be naked with the lights on again, my butt looks like an 80 year old used couch, I feel like any guy is going to vomit once he sees this and never talk to me again. I cant even wear jeans or tight pants, I have to wear pantyhose in 110 degree weather so the dimples and bumps dont show through.


I have not worn shorts or gone to the beach in 5 years. I feel almost suicidal at time because of this.


Anyone have any success in getting rid of it?


I have major depression because of it.

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I don't think it's gross. And I don't know if it will help to hear this but everybody has cellulite to one degree or another. A lot of it all comes down to genetics and your body can do some pretty amazing things so.. Give it a break! Even though you exercise have you tried lifting weights? Building muscle mass can help minimize the appearance.

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Oh. Then no to lipo. But I know exactly where you're coming from. I've had cellulite in the same area since I was 15. No matter how much weight you lose it never goes away. I was anorexic at one point and I STILL had cellulite. But walking on the treadmill actually gets mine under control.

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Cellulite is fat and connective tissues, the fat grows up between the fibers connecting the skin to your muscle causing the dimples and lumps. The fat is no different in composition than smoother areas, the blood flow and such is no different either. Some skin types are just more prone to the uneven look. There's no way to "cure" cellulite or prevent it, its a natural aspect of how your body stores its fat. If your already exercising and keeping yourself fit, then you have nothing to worry about, your fine and perfectly normal. DO NOT be drawn in by all those wonder products, they're only temporary (if they do anything), superficial scams that just waste your hard earned money.

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try the weights!

my buttocks, hips, flank and belly was very cellultish and i have been doing weights for about 6 years - you would never know it was like a soft cheese look before i toned up!!


it has made it to the point that i think this summer i will even wear skirts - which i have not since i was 14!


I also use cocoa butter to make sure my skin stays elastic and to reduce the apperance of the bad stretchmarks i have on my lower body (i have a connective tissue problem so the elastin in my skin breaks and scars easily and i was recommended to buy a cocoa butter formula - cheap creame the kind pregnant women use - its actaully cheaper than even body lotion but very good for holding in mositure)


you can also try massage to increase circulation! i havent tried it because i dont have the time and spas here are expensive but my physician said it could help my skin to have a deep and HARD massage to increase circulation.

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I'm not so sure you are going to like my reply to this, but I think your problem is a psychological one. It's just that..


1) 5ft 5ins, 110lbs..is very slim. As cellulite is basically fat, I find it hard to believe thereforeeee that you have cellulite *all over*

2) You have spent over $10 000...thats a tremendous amount even for a very much larger person

3) Its causing you major depression


I think you really do have a problem..but it sounds more like Body Dysmorphic Disorder rather than cellulite. Just how it comes over to me.

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95% of women have cellulite - no matter what their weight, height, body shape. Even models have it...they just are lucky to get it airbrushed out Most women have it in butt/thighs more as that's where we are genetically predisposed to store fat for conceiving and bearing children.


However, lifting weights - doing squats, lunges, leg presses, and some other toning exercises will help immensely. It will build muscle, tone and tighten those glutes and thigh areas and the cellulite will almost most definitely end up reducing. I note you are exercising, but I imagine this is cardio only which won't really reduce the cellulite so well (but don't stop doing it...it is still extremely healthy for your heart and keeping your metabolism up!)....cellulite can be more apparent when you have less fat in those areas in fact, because the connective tissues are more apparent/visible (the fat cells are "empty"). So add some weight training to your current program.


If you are feeling suicidal because of it though, I agree wtih Anti-Love, this is probably something in addition to that you should be seeking therapy for, because that is certainly not normal or a healthy attitude towards your body. We all have parts we are self conscious of or don't like, but to kill yourself over it is a huge waste of your life, potential and devastating to loved ones...all because of some genetic fat deposits?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Drinking two galons of water a day (I know its alot) helps clean out toxins out of your body, having a fresh fruit, and vegitable diet helps too. And by the way Lyposuction DOES NOT WORK. Another thing is you exersise right? That makes it even more difficult to get rid of cellulite! Because it all built around muscle, if you got more questions just send me a message. I do squats to get rid of mine.

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Hey all,


Awhile back I had an accident, and I ended up with severe cellulite in my right leg. It would go away, then I would stand up, go to bathroom, come back and my leg would be absolutely huge. We tried everything from natural to anything that wasnt steroids. When nothing worked, my doctor put me on steroids. It was gone within a week! and they are just the steroids that swimmers use. So go to your doctor, and ask if he thinks its bad enough to need medication.

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Have you tried emu oil?


I have been putting emu oil on my skin (all over my body) for about 4 weeks now and I have noticed that it is making my skin firmer and I had some cellulite starting to form on my buttocks and the back of my thighs, well that's gone now and my stretch marks are a lot less noticeable.

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