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tongue piercing


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well i want to try my tongue out on my boyfriend and people have told me that kissing with a piercing is amazing and i wondered what other people's views are on this?

this also sounds very silly but do i just kiss how i used to or will the ball get in the way etc?

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mine doesnt get in the way either... but my ex was touchy about it clickingon his teeth (he was scared of chipping them) so i'd advise you to wear one with plastic ends, if you dont already. this is better for YOUR teeth in the long run anyway.

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I've had mine for seven years and it has never bothered anyone or myself. It's not like its a huge decision, you can always take it out and it will grow over right away. I took mine out for an hour and a half a while ago and could barely get it back in it was so tight!

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