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dunno exactly why im posting this but maybe just looking for some indepth views n maybe alil moral support, i dunno...


I have since having a kid gained alot of weight n havent been able to loose it, the thing is i got so down about it i put on even more, n i have started to diet n am loosing weight n every now n then i go to the gym with my bro or i walk every day so on....BUT i want to be able to JOIN the gym so i can work out more regularly, the thing is i am too embarrassed about getting my body fat count done, being weighed n haveing a fittness test......


does anyone think that the professionals think badly of you???


ive booked an appt for monday to join the gym n i will do it but it is taking alot for me to do this, im goin to be quite nervous..... do u think they will judge me? i think i will ask for another female to do the tests with me which will make it better but still.......


my bf is a personal trainer so he has done me up a plan but im more then sure the guy said i still have to do the tests, n i want to, im just scared


any positive thoughts???

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First off, good luck in reaching your goal.


You have nothing to fear. Professionals do not think badly of you, otherwise they are not professional. They are there to help you achieve your goal. If they are working with you, you are going to see results so there is no reason for them to discourage you. If they are, then they are not for you and you should move on to another trainer.


I have had a personal trainer for 10. I was a beanpole when I met him and he was a lot like Sylvester Stallone. 10 years later, he's one of my best friends (I've since work out myself for the last 7 years.) He is an outgoing person dedicated to helping people set goals and achieve them. He never sees a person who is out of shape, big, small or whatever, and think badly of them. He knows that they want his help, and he's there to help them get to their ideal size.


I say go for it. After the first couple of days, your mind should be at ease.

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They are professionals...as a regular gym goer myself I can tell you they see plenty of people whom are in probably way worse shape then yourself.


A lot of people - women more so - tend to have a belief that before they go to the gym, they need to lose weight. Which is really counterproductive! Going to the gym can help you get a plan, nutritional & fitness advice and motivation...as well as help you start losing the weight! Depending on the gym too, the others whom workout can be great...they become like a family too....in fact I am going to miss mine when I move to another part of the city and have to go elsewhere!


Trust me, that they will be glad you came and want to get fit and healthy, that is what their job is for, and most of the ones I know whom do it do it as they sincerely want to help others find their motivation and their inner diva/Rocky!

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I hit the gym often and I applaud anyone there working on themselves. I have seen wonderful transformations of both their bodies and personalities. Trainers as well as your fellow gym mates will welcome you and respect the fact that you are committed to your health. Go for it. Like here, at the gym everyone is at different levels and stages. You will find inspiration all around you. Best of luck!



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Thankyou so much guys.....


even tho i know this i just wanted alil more moral support, your comments i will keep in mind when i go haha....


my bf is my great inspiration he is so supportive of me, never told me to loose weight etc n he is a personal trainer who even tho im not very fit applauds me every time we train.......


so yah, i spose most of them there would be like him n just wanna see ppl achieve their goals n help them


THANKS so much guys



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hey guys,


feelin proud of myself, i went to the gym n did all my weigh in and fat measurements etc, my trainer was v cool, n i actually wasnt that nervous in the end, your comments REALLY helped.......so i just wanted ot say thankyou


i know it sounds silly but this really was a difficult thing for me, i used ot have eating dissorders n friends n bros who would ALWAYS put me down, so i gained a very bad image of wha it means to be even alil fat so this was very difficult........thankyou for helpin me thru it

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