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My eyes are burning from the tears that I have cried,

I can't help these feeling that I am beginning to feel inside.


My heart is cold and black from what has happened to me in the past,

I cannot figure out if I honestly deep down want this friendship to last.


I cannot tell you I love you and care because of the way you are,

But I know that you would call me if I became to far.


So how can I realise just what to do about me and you,

If even if I am around you or I am not I begin to feel blue.


I am confused on how you really feel about me,

Mabe it's the alcohol that blinds you to see.


How can I honestly fall for someone who does not treat me good,

It's all the wishing and good points that is wishing me that you could.


I care about you and want you to see just how much I care,

But it makes me think about if I was gone would you wish I was there.


So in the end of all this confusion and hurt that is within,

This is a situation that just will not let me win.

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Sweet poem you dedicated about your alcoholic friend. Looks like he doesn't wanna get helped and doesn't seem to care about you. I say cut him loose fro a while, like about a few week, 2-4 I say. It's really up to him to seek couseling for his problem.

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