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Nice guys finish last?

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Why is this? i seem to be told im a nice guy all the time, i have no idea why i am tho! I mean i look out for all my mates cos they seem to all need me to at some time or another but dosent everyone! This totally dosent help me with girls at all tho when everyone thinks, i love him he so nice.

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No worries, its just some days i think man i wish i could just find someone for me, i dont mind being single at times but would like someone in my life but as i said it dosent ever seem to happen for because im seen as this nice guy that everyone loves, im sure i could get away with anything, im bit of a cheeky chap iv been told an girls love it, i could get away with anything but no one ever sees me as like bf material jus best friend material.

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I know what you mean mate. I cant help but be nice to girls.... With guys however, its a WHOLE different story. When im with my mates... we truly are bad asses (its all in the name of fun though). But when im with girls, i comeletly change into a gentlemen. My last girlfriend loved that i was a badass. When she got to know me, she knew who i really was though (a nice guy) and she did fall in love with him.


So girls do like nice guys mate, its just finding them that is the most hardest task of all unfortuantly

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This 'nice guys' finish last ' concept keeps coming up. And no one ever can agree on what a 'nice guy' is. But in my opinion someone who thinks that being nice is always letting other people have their way and never being assertive about what they want shows a lack of confidence - and that is a turn-off. That doesn't mean you have to be aggressive - it means you are not always passive.


As an example: a guy on the radio explained how he impressed his wife when they first met at a media function. He says his wife is very attractive and he is no more than average. But he started talking to her and they got on well. After a while her boss said they had to go - so he asked her for her number. She said "Oh, sure but ask Fred (a mutual friend) he can give it to you - my business card is in my purse on the other side of the room. "That's okay" he said, with a smile, "I'll wait while you go fetch it."


She said that she was impressed that he knew what he wanted and was prepared to be confident and assertive enough to get it - without being overbearing or aggressive.


But unassertive 'nice' guys would have said "Oh. OK" and probably never done anything more to get the number.

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Whether you are nice or not really isn't the issue. Try these things to increase your success with girls:


1. Have a passion...something you like to do, that makes you exciting

2. Smile all the time, and make eye contact with girls

3. Learn salsa dancing.........

4. IF a girl rejects you, go to another girl...if she rejects you, try again. Keep trying until you win !!!!!!! For every success, you might have 10 failures....but keep trying....

5. Never rely on a girl to make you happy. Be happy with who you are. Be thankful for what you have now, rather than dwell on what you don't have or might have in the future.

6. Change your clothing??? are all your clothes ironed...many girls do notice that..are they clean????

7. Don't try to impress girls. Just be yourself !!!!!

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