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How would you react at a party if???


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...Unless he does something like that again (or has in the past), just drop it.


I recently read some of your other posts. I was not aware that you have had problems before with your boyfriend checking out other women. Earlier (in the above quote) I mentioned to let it go that he took a gander at your friend if it's something that had never happened before. Obviously it has. I agree with everyone that this is NOT something that he should be allowed to do. Does he have so little respect for women and you? You have confronted him before and he has not changed. I say drop him. He, like Scout said, needs to learn his lesson and by continuing to condone this behavior you are letting him get away with it. You've already given him plenty of time and chances to stop having wandering eyes and he has not changed. If he hasn't by now, he never will. Is this something you want to have to deal with for the rest of your life? Yes, you have been together for a LONG time and it's hard to let go but I don't think this guy deserves you. He's had 4 years to change and hasn't. You have given him second, third, fourth and fifth chances with no improvement. It's time you move on to bigger and better things, my dear. You are worth so much more than what he's giving you.

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I've done MUCH worse when drunk, and didn't mean any of it. I know it's hard to believe, but even when I was **really** into my significant other, I'd get plastered and make out with other people etc.


It's all basically because I didn't care for myself much and didn't believe I could have a normal relationship; that I was rubbish and my boyfriend would cheat on me anyway, so why not get in first? kind of thinking.


People forgave me.


Heh..I don't drink any more though and he'll probably really come to regret it later and cringe.

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