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Chances after anal sex


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I just had anal sex with my girl today and yesterday and was wondering what the chances were of her getting pregnant and if we should get the monring after pill. Yesterday I had unprotected anal sex and ejaculated inside of her...I dont know if any leaked or not and what the possiblities are of leakage after sex because she said she didnt know if it did or not. Today we had it again and I slipped and it went into her vagina once but I realized and pulled out. Her last period was on Feb 27.

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It's hard to give you an estimate. She either gets pregnant or she doesn't. And since we weren't there to get all the details, we just can't tell you really.


I would say to just play it safe and get the morning after pill as soon as possible.


And not to lecture you, but I hope you know all the safety issues with anal sex. It's a lot different and more riskier for different reasons than vaginal sex. Just stay educated on it.

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