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Recently i was just talking with one of my friends. Now, she has been a little bit over weight for the past two years. Its not like she needs to lose a lot of weight..but she just needed to slim down to her old size. Any way, i was talking with her today about her weight loss. she has lost about 15 lbs..and she admitted to me that she has been taking laxitives every day. i told her that its not good for her and is dangerous..but she says she can stop anytime she wants and then start eating like she used to. Is that true? Can she stop? Can she get back to her normal eating habits without being sick?

Advice please.



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Eeeek, definitely not safe. If you continue using laxatives your body becomes dependant on them. Not only that, but she isn't getting the nutrients she needs from food because her body is 'pushing it through' without absorbing as much as it should.


Also, as soon as she starts eating normally again, she will gain back that weight plus a bunch more because she's been 'starving' for how long...not healthy at all and it's a dangerous way to lose weight!


She has symptoms of bulimia...maybe she is purging and not telling you? I'm not sure what to say but that it's dangerous and horrifying on the body.

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Its very dangerous to her health. Her comments sound like the denial of an addict that knows they have a problem. Tell her she needs to stop NOW!!! If she doesn't stop, have her get professional help, this could become a serious eating disorder. The damage done pyschologically and physically can take a long time to heal.

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i think the fact that she's on a pne way train to an eating disorder has been stressed plenty here, so i'll just add in my two cents about her weight. if she continues to starve herself or use improper methods as a way of losing weight, her body will take in everything she eats when she does return to normal. making her gain all of that weight back. if she does it the right ahd healthy way however, steadily she can lose that weight for good. now which sounds better to her?

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  • 4 months later...

Well, I am big about my weight. I used to take laxatives all the time. I would feel dirty and disgusted with myself everytime I ran into the bathroom. You would do your business then weigh yourself and think, yes, 2 lbs, I can eat something. But a lot of people don't realize is that you gain it back. Then you figure well I can eat something then take 5 more pills and do your business again a few hours later. It's not healthy at all. And its a waste of money! I got really bad pains in my stomach for days even after I didn't take any pills. I would think to myself I can do this, I can stop. Then you look at yourself then you do it again. Its hard.. be by herself. Tell her to STOP! Its danagerous! you can die from doing this.

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