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Falling for girl I met through the internet. Not sure how to tell her.

Sam _

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Me and this girl have met online through a chatroom and now we talk all the time via webcam. We've been talking for about a year and I'm starting to like her a lot and I think she feels the same way. Well, the other day we decided to play 10 questions but we could ask anything, no boundaries or anything. Well, she e-mailed me her second set of 10 questions (I was offline) and one of the questions were "how do you feel about me?". I'm not sure how to answer that. I don't know if she likes me as more than a friend. And I don't want to scare her or something. Does she like me? How do I tell her I like her?


I apologize if this is stupid. I just never fell for a girl I met through the internet before.


We never met in person, she lives in the UK and I live in the US.


A little help please.

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Be honest. That is what she is looking for when she asks this. She wants to know you honestly feel about her. Tell her. Don't say "I love you" as that might be too strong of a way to tell her you like her, but simply say waht is in your heart. Good luck.

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I think she's beginning to fall in love with you! Just be honest with her, tell her how you feel. I did and I'm the happiest woman in the whole world!


My Fiancee lives in Australia and I live in England! I told her that I was starting to fall in love with her and she said that she felt the same. We talked on MSN and the phone. In October I got her daughter to wake her up so I could ask her to marry me. She said, 'YES!'


In February I travelled 12000 miles to meet her and I proposed properly on bended knee. I gave her a beautiful diamond engagement ring. She gave me a white gold ring with a pink sapphire. We are very happy that we found each other. We're getting married next year if things go to plan.


Tell her how you feel.


Good luck

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"how do you feel about me?"


I'd be 99.9% certain that if she is asking you that question she likes you potentially as more than a friend and has a hint that you like her the same way.


I agree, say what's in your heart but avoid an "I love you."


Where would you see it going though when you are so far apart?

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I just mean that you are 16 and she lives in the UK and you are in the USA. So if you guys do fall in love with each other, how would you handle that as seeing each other physically is going to be hard.


Well, it's obviously going to be hard. I know that. But you never know, maybe me and her can actually make this work. And if all goes well we could travel to see one another.

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Tough situation, VERY similar to mine! When I was 16 I met a guy on line in a chat room...we emailed every so often, built a relationship and became best friends. I started developing feelings for him after almost a year of talking, but kept it to myself...then one day he wrote me an email telling me how he felt, and it was the same as me. We had a long distance relationship for 9 years! I live in Canada, he lives in the US...and it is HARD!!!!! We actually just broke up....it gets expensive, and it was getting very one sided...I was always going down there and he was never coming here. It can work...but you are very young and it is very expensive. You will only be able to see each other a few times a year, and saying goodbye to the person you love is the HARDEST thing ever! I believe you should be honest and tell her, because I don't regret my 9 years (we are still best friends), just know what you are getting into, should a relationship evolve.

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I think if you think about it realistically and rationally and accept the fact that the stats are against you and unless you have a LOT of money to spend, it's not going to go anywhere soon, and whether you're willing to invest your emotions and heart into something very uncertain...


Well, isn't every attempt a gamble of the heart?


I think you should tell her your feelings seem impossible for having them for someone you've never met.


You don't have to lay out ALL your cards on the table.

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