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Poem please read and reply thankyou!


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She lost her backbone and was miserable within,

She became tired and afraid and started to become thin.


Her eyes were filled with tears that dropped at her feet,

She had a problem with men that she just could not defeat.


She bottled everything inside and never left it show,

She listened to the advice just to let things go how they go.


She told her self she was sick of life and could not take it any more,

She closed her heart off to everyone and locked that painful door.


Her pain was so deep that it cut her heart like a knife,

She does not believe in marriage anymore or becoming someones wife.


She wants to live her life in happiness and joy,

But she became to older men a door mat and a toy.


She does not know what to do but live day by day,

She lost all of her will to love and still feels that way.


To get back to the way she use to be she has to fight this war,

But on the way there all the hills and bumps to get there made her sore.


So what she really needs to do is find out who she can be,

To show all the other people who doubted her that it was just the same ol me.

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